Thursday, December 12, 2013

snow, snow, snow!!!...the first five days...

So this last Friday I was planning on going to my parents house to spend the weekend. But the weather showed snow in the forecast for Friday so we decided to head out a day early and hope that there was enough snow to cancel school Friday. So glad we did because when we woke up Friday morning at my parents house it was SNOWING! My kids were so excited! Not long after, I got the call from the school saying school was cancelled. And a little bit later I got a text from my neighbor wondering where we were so we could all go out and play in the snow together. Since we weren't there she texted me a pic of her backyard. They had five inches and it wasn't stopping. There was barely two inches at my parents house. 
Seven days later the snow has not melted! It has been way too cold, and just in the last two days have we barely gotten above freezing in the afternoon. We even had sub-zero temps which pretty much never happens where we live. We had one day of the second coldest day on record. And only by about two degrees. So Mac has had a full week off of school and most likely will finish out this week with no school. It has been great not to have to worry about school but Mac now only has one week left of school before winter break. And he will not be going back to school after winter break (because we are moving and I will be homeschooling him). Also his birthday is this Saturday and he was excited for me to bring treats into class for his birthday. He was excited because he would get to eat the same treat as everyone else (He isn't allowed to eat anything anybody brings to school because of his nut allergy. But his teacher has a special stash just for him so he isn't totally left out.)
The kids have loved the snow if you couldn't tell. And as much as I dislike the snow and being cold and wet, it is so much fun to play in it with my kids.
Another thing about this snow is that it is all POWDER. Which is also not normal for where we live. You couldn't make a snowball or a snowman with it. 

So this is just the five days we spent at my parents house.
I have a few more to come from after we came home. 

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