Sunday, September 30, 2012

September in pictures...

We were sending Mac off to Preschool and this is how Oak came to the door.

Mac fell asleep in his door way when he should have been doing quiet time in his room.

Mac is quite the drawer for just being four. He drew these two pictures for his Grandpa's birthday. 
This one is an alien ship.

And I was amazed at how great he drew this train. Grandpa framed it and hung it on his wall at home.

Another time he was supposed to be taking a nap and he ended up playing and finally giving in to sleeping in his sleeping bag on the floor in front of the door. 

A new year and a growth spurt brought out the next size up for Mac. Thankfully we have been stocking up and we haven't had to go buy anything. He is growing too quickly.

One night all the dishes were dirty, I needed to go grocery shopping and daddy was going to be home late, so we headed to the local DQ.

We had so much fun.

Mac has Taekwondo Monday through Thursday. And we have made some cute and fun friends while watching him. These are Oak's friends she plays with there. Oak, T and J sitting still for a few minutes. One of the coolest things about these girls is that T was also adopted and J's older sister (who does Taekwondo with Mac) was adopted too. How cool is that?!

Park playing on Friday Fun Day!

Oak just being cute!

Oak has figured out how to draw circles and our driveway, chalkboards and all paper are covered in them. It is so adorable!

And although I think she is a bit young, and I have not wanted to even try yet. Oak has shown that SHE is ready and we bit the bullet and we are in the midst of potty training. She is doing great so far, phew!

1 comment:

Lanette said...

I don't know why your blog updates haven't been showing up in my newsfeed--I feel so behind now! We're super excited for you guys to be approved now! I saw your stroganoff recipe on facebook this morning, and am really excited to try it! I've only tried making it once before, and it was a huge flop, so I'm really looking forward to using your recipe! And hoorah for adoption buddies! That's super awesome!