Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oak's birthday party!

These pictures are far from good. Someday I hope to get a new DSLR that works better so that I can capture these moments better. But right now I am just grateful that they are captured. 

Oak's birthday fell on a Sunday this year and because we were just having our family over we decided to do her birthday party on the same day. It worked out good since so many of Hubs's family was already coming down to head to the lake house. My parents also came down and my parents were awesome and provided the hamburgers for us to eat. It was a perfect evening for a party/bbq in our backyard. And it was so wonderful to share it with our family. We love our spunky two year old.

Our birthday girl  after she woke up and we sung happy birthday to her.

Daddy makes most of the birthday cakes around here. He likes to be creative while baking. Oak wanted a dog and this is what Daddy came up with. 

Oak got a new bike. 

Typical Oak face, what a cutie!

Cousin Mak's birthday was just the week before so we stuck a candle in for her too.

All the kids waiting for cake and ice cream.


She loved wearing her birthday hat that I made her for her birthday last year. So serious about her sweets!

She got an adorable American girl baby doll.

Mac so wanted to help Oak open her presents, thankfully she was willing to let him.

Thumb and bear of course! We are working on tapering the addiction :)

Cute girls.

Mac and Uncle Spen

Oak had fun sneaking more cake the rest of the evening.

Love the tippy toes while sneaking cake.

Fun with Uncle Laren

All of Hubs's family came except for two of our brothers-in-law.

The boys were so cute having some sort of discussion.

Oak loved laying in this camping chair.

At the end of the night all the kids were playing so well together and started a game of duck duck goose I think. They were so cute to watch, that everyone had a hard time leaving when it was getting late.

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