Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our new addition...

So we have been wanting to get a mini van since we started the adoption process this last time. We have known that we would need one with a third child. And we specifically have wanted a mini van not just a bigger car. I have oogled over all the space and storage especially the stow-n-go and the remote doors. Aw, drooling! Even though we have wanted and needed to get a bigger vehicle, we have been putting it off because we don't want the car payment. We paid our cars off three years ago and have really enjoyed not having that debt or payment. Both Hubs and I get a bit of anxiety of unnecessary debt because we have worked so hard at not having much of it our entire marriage. 

But the Monday before we were to leave on our trip I was driving by a car dealership on our way home from town. As I was driving by, I had a wild idea that maybe we should buy a van before our trip. I was pretty sure Hubs we totally brush it off, but decided to bring it up at dinner time. To my surprise he was totally for it and by the end of the night we had found one online at this very dealership that I had driven by that day that we were really interested in. So on our way in to town the next day I stopped by to look at it. I really like it...REALLY LIKED IT! I told Hubs and when he got home from work he cleaned out his car and washed it really good in hopes that we could trade it in. We went to the dealership and I test drove it and fell even more in love with it. By 10:30pm that night Hubs had signed the paperwork left his Nissan and brought our new van home to us. It was kind of a whirlwind! 

The kids were beyond excited about our new van. Which is a 2011 Chrysler Town and Country by the way. It has all the whistles and bells except for a pull down DVD player. It even has automatic windshield wipers that go on by themselves when it rains, crazy! 

It was so great to travel in, and we enjoyed all the room to bring as much as we needed to be on the road for a whole week. I have to say after pretty much living in it for a week, the only thing that I don't like about it is the fact that there is so much room that anything sitting anywhere shifts so easily when turning. So if a toy was dropped then after driving through town it is in a whole different place. Or the cooler kept going back and forth or up and down depending on what direction we had it. 

I am still getting giddy, every time I know I am going somewhere and get to drive it. 
Okay, now bring on the baby!!


hope2adoptbaby said...

Welcome to the van club! :)


Mostly Jessica said...

You are sooo funny! I was the exact opposite when we bought our van - I dreaded it. But it's not so bad afterall :)

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

Hahaha, that's awesome!

Unknown said...

oh i am jealous! i want a van! sounds like it was meant to be! hopefully this means a baby is coming!

Tia Hopper said...

LUCKY!!!! That is next on our list! :) I have a suburban now so I LOOOOVE the room! But the year, 2011?! Man! I have never owned a car newer than a 2000! I keep getting stuck at the 1999 years. Next car though! Fancy smancy!!