Saturday, September 8, 2012

August in pictures...

I had a majority of these pictures uploaded and captioned before we left on our trip so it was a quick post to get together.

Mac went through a little phase where he was obsessed with band-aids. It only lasted as long as the box of band-aids did.

An adventure/explore walk in the field/green space in our neighborhood with cousins.

Popsicles with cousins.

When my sister C was here we met up at the park with my Aunt and her twin grandsons. They are just a couple of weeks apart. Aren't they cute?!

Cousin EJ was willing to push the boys.

I love my sister and I couldn't get enough of her while she was here!

goofy boys!

Love this girl. My niece EJ.

My mom, sister and niece.

My sister and I with our kids.

Girls in pink!

Playing super hero dress ups! This photo kills me!

When my sister was here we decided to take the kids roller skating...totally bad idea!! Mac actually did really well on skates as long as he wasn't holding on to anything. He, along with his cousins lasted maybe 5 minutes and they were done. Not even five minutes after he took off his skates he fell and took a large chunk out of his chin and was bleeding all over the place.

This is at the dentist carnival. This is Mac throwing the ball that actually dunked his dentist.

Family dinner at Five Guys.

My nephew M went through the Temple while they were visiting here. So awesome that we got to go. He just went into the MTC last week and will be serving his mission in Bolivia.

Daddy and Mac left for the lake house without us because I was really sick. Oak was feeling really left out and decided she wanted to strip down her clothes and wear her life jacket for dinner.

We had a ton of english muffins that my mom had given me, and we had all the makings for pizza, so we made mini pizza's for lunch almost every day for a whole week. The kids loved it. It was the week I was really sick, so that is why my kids look like ragamuffins in the picture.

Oak keeps us on our toes. Mac had left the bathroom door open and a little while later Mac found Oak smearing toothpaste all over her face. Thankfully she was caught before she made a bigger mess or before she ate a ton (the toothpaste had fluoride in it).

I love sun tan lines on feet. I miss my chaco tan lines alot. Loved looking at Mac's flip flop tan line all summer. It will be no longer for the rest of the summer because we lost one of flip flops on our way to Utah last week.

Mac and Daddy went to the lake house and Mac caught 11 fish in a row. He got bored after that, haha! What a stud!

Most likely we will never have a dog, but thankfully almost everyone in our neighborhood has one, so my kids get plenty of "dog loving time". Oak has recently taken to claiming all dogs as "hers" and this day she took the leash of our favorite dog, Bobo, and was giving him commands and telling him what they were going to do and telling others not to touch him because he would bite, and walking him up and down the street for walks. It was adorable!

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