Thursday, October 4, 2012


I finally feel like there was enough to do a happenings post. I am not sure anyone cares, but I like looking back at these and remembering, "Oh, ya that did happen!"

-Mac and Oak got to spend the weekend at their grandparents house just for fun a couple of weekends ago. And Grandpa Dick to Mac to the car races. Hubs and I had the whole weekend to ourselves, it always feels strange for us to be home without our kids.

-I unexpectedly decided to start potty training Oaklee last week She was showing some significant signs that she was ready. She just barely turned two and I was trying to hold off as long as possible. But a week later she is doing great! We have had more #2 accidents than #1. When she does have a pee accident she catches herself and can finish it off on the potty. She isn't quite telling me when she needs to go, but when asked she will say yes if she has to. She is waking up dry for all naps and for most mornings.

-We had our Primary program that I was in charge of. The kids did a fantastic job!! My favorite part were the talks written and given by some of the kids. They were so personal and beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes. So glad it is over and now to get working on it for next year.

-Mac swallowed a rock the other night. Although not on purpose. He had been playing with a little polished stone the whole day, with me telling him numerous times to not put it in his mouth. He must have taken it to bed and was playing with it in his mouth and accidentally swallowed it. It scared him and he came running out of his room hysterically crying saying his neck hurt. Thankfully he has been fine although we did take him to the doctor to get an xray to make sure that it wasn't stuck anywhere. Now we are just waiting for it to pass.

-I have had the most terrible time sleeping lately, it is obviously leaving me very exhausted. It is quite annoying and I haven't had this problem since before Oak was born.

-I just finished reading my 6th book since 4th of July!! I am so proud of myself. I don't think I have read that many books all together in the last couple of years. I am not a reader, but I am determined to make myself one. I am about to start The Hunger Games, which I wasn't originally planning on ever reading but we saw the movie and now both Hubs and I really want to read it.

-Last week I went grocery shopping with Oak while Mac was at Preschool. I felt totally on top of it I had made a "menu" and a grocery list and I got it all done in an hour even with Oak whining most of the time. I went to check out and got all of my groceries up on the belt and was half way checked out when I realized I had forgotten my wallet at home. I was NOT happy! It pretty much ruined my whole day. I then had to go with both kids right after Mac's taekwondo and redo my entire grocery shopping trip. so fun!

-Oak is finally getting her two year molars. One day I was thinking I can't believe that she hasn't gotten them and checked in her mouth and saw nothing. A couple of days later, Hubs was brushing her teeth and found one on the top and one on the bottom popping through. She has been fine, just a bit more whiny and irritable.

-My beautiful, sweet SIL, (Hub's little sister) announced that her and her husband are having a baby in March. They find out if it is a boy or a girl in just a couple of weeks. We are so excited for them! I can't wait to know what she is having so I can start buying cute stuff! I am wanting to say girl, so Oak will actually have a girl cousin close in age, but I am thinking it is a boy.

-My headaches and migraines have been bad since we got home from our road trip. I was literally getting one or the other everyday for about two weeks. They are finally tapering off a bit, thankfully.

-We passed the four month mark of being approved to adopt and narrowing in on the five month mark. The longest we have waited was for Mac and it was five months when we were chosen. So I am becoming a bit anxious since we haven't heard anything from anyone. Trying to remind myself that I have felt that it would take longer this time.

-Our blender and food processor both died on the same day. I am not happy! We use both of those alot. The blender actually broker while I was in the middle of making a smoothy for dinner on Sunday. So I went to use the food processor to finish it off and it won't turn on. Ack! We use the food processor more, so that is first on my list to replace.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love all your posts, they are always so fun & it is great to hear what is happening with your family. I hope your headaches get better soon & good luck with potty training.