Friday, October 19, 2012

and then this boy...

Red eyes...freckles...that smile....again, I am one lucky Mama!

I am actually really loving the age/stage he is at right now.
I think age five will suit him quite well (hopefully, since age 3 & 4 have been difficult).
I could just stare at him in wonderment all day long, looking at his facial expressions, listening to him talking and wondering what is going on in that little brain of his.

He has never been a "go with the flow" kid, but he has made a lot of progress in the last couple months.
And we are really proud of him.
He has a lot of energy and his brain is always moving.
He is too smart for his own good, and he is just great at problem solving and figuring things out.

He is a great drawer and has a creative mind.
He is learning to sound out words, but hasn't taken a great interest in wanting to learn to read yet.
He prefers informational books over story books and still remains a walking encyclopedia.
He loves anything spooky or gross, such a boy!

He loves to make up jokes and make people laugh.
He loves action figures or any little toy figures and make "set ups" as he calls them.
He is great at pretend play and can imagine the most amazing and creative things without much thought.
He can also tell some amazing stories.

He loves to help cook or bake when he gets the chance.
He is getting better at have more responsibility with daily chores.
He is getting better about trying new foods, or eating what he is given for dinner without a tantrum. 
He loves doing Taekwondo, and is doing great in it. 

He is asking often about our next baby and would like to name him or her Junior or Junior Asparagus. 
He doesn't have much interest in trying to learn to ride his bike without training wheels, maybe next summer.
He loves preschool! 
Love this kid and all the fire and ice he brings to our lives with his personality.
As I always tell him..."He's my boy!"

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