Friday, October 12, 2012

General Conference Weekend...

Wasn't General Conference amazing?!?! I always love General Conference. I so look forward to the spiritual nourishment and uplifting and it is always much needed. I didn't get to listen to as much as I would have liked because of my two adorable kids, but I love that I can go online and watch the talks I missed. And I plan on doing that!

One of the most meaningful moments was when Sis Dibb spoke of my amazing Mother-in-law and beautiful Sister-in-law Brooke. Read it HERE. Or watch it...

I really loved the over all message of Conference which seemed to be that there is true happiness in the Gospel even through our hardest trials. I loved that, because I know that has been so true for me and my family.

I also was so thrilled with the announcement for the age change for missionaries. I personally think it will be a great change. I am now even more determined to prepare my children for their missions, and feel a wonderful responsibility to even prepare my daughter(s?) who are more likely to serve than before the change. After hearing the change I was anxious to read what this amazing mother had to say about it. And she didn't disappoint! Her blog is one of my favorites to read.

The weather was amazing the whole weekend and tried to get outside during the break between conference and on Sunday evening we decide to take the chocolate cake my mom had made and head to the lake by their house to enjoy it. It was so much fun and will be a fun memory, or perhaps a new tradition. I have been trying to put extra effort in making fun, vivid memories with my kids lately. And I don't think I will regret that. 


Unknown said...

I heard your in laws mentioned! What amazing people they must be! Such a beautiful example of taking a trail with faith and turning it into something beautiful.

Tia Hopper said...

LOVED conference, LOVE your parents, they are adorable!, LOVE the pictures of you guys, LOVED sister Dibbs talk! Great post!