Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mac funnies and sweetness...

Still working on cutting out naps.


* He was helping me get out the Halloween decorations and he pulls some out of the box and exclaims, "We haven't seen these in ages!!"

*I let him have one piece of candy after breakfast and told him he could have another after lunch. A little while later he asks if it is lunch yet. Of course I said no. And he asked when it was. And after telling him it is in a couple of hours he says. "Let's just pretend it is lunch time!!"

*One morning Mac really wanted to go to the library and check out a book on space and astronauts. I told him we couldn't go that day but we could go in a couple of days when they had story time. He got really mad and stomped to his room and got some socks, put them on by himself (which he usually claims he "can't" do) and then went and put on his shoes (which he also usually claims he "can't" do). I asked him where he was going and he said, "I am going to the library all by myself!" He was going to run away to the library. I was laughing so hard.

*He was throwing a fit at Target because he lost his privilege of looking at the toys when we were done shopping. He is really into wanting to say mean things when he is mad and said in a very pouty/angry voice, "I don't think things are cool anymore!!!" The lady right by us was trying so hard not to laugh, as was I.

*I had been helping him clean his room and left to go feed Oak. He comes out a few minutes later and says, "Moooom, I trusted you to help me clean my room!" Talk about a guilt trip! Oh how I love this boy!

*lately when he wants to tell a story he will say, "When I was a Grandfather...". I laugh every time he says it!


* Daddy was home for lunch and was taking a nap on the couch. Mac decided that he would quietly get a blanket and put it on daddy then go and get one of his own stuffed animals and put it in Daddy's arms and then gave him a kiss on the forehead. So sweet! And Daddy slept through all of that!

*I woke up with a headache and was still laying in bed. Mac and Daddy were in the kitchen and Daddy told him that Mommy had a headache. He comes running into me and asked me if I wanted some water to help my headache. It was too sweet to refuse. So he went and got me a cup of water.

*We were talking about his birthday and how last year a friend brought a fire truck for him to ride in. And I tell Hubs that we won't be able to top that this year and out of the blue and immediately after I said that, Mac says, "I want to go to Disneyland for my birthday!" Well that would definitely top it! So we told him maybe for his 6th birthday we could go. He has reminded us numerous times since then that when he is 6 he can go to Disneyland. I think it is adorable and really wish Disneyland was foreseeable in the closer future, because I think Mac would have the time of his life!

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