Thursday, November 3, 2011

Casualities and one year olds...

Casualties from the hands and teeth of a one year old!

She has eaten two books (see the corners of the story books above) and torn apart two of her favorite picture books.
In her defense, the picture books barely survived Mac, so they kindof were already a bit falling apart. But she finished the job for sure.
I forgot what little stinkers one year olds can be. And honestly I love it and think it is so funny!
Oak is no exception!
She is the funniest little thing and makes me laugh constantly. She has become my little shadow/tornado lately. She comes up right behind me and undoes what ever I do.
She also has an opinion, and if you are doing something she doesn't like or you don't let her do something she wants to, she gets mad, screams and then head butts you.
On another note,
I was looking through Oak's outgrown clothes bins to find something. And as I was looking at all these cute clothes I remembered her wearing, it made me sad that she wasn't that little anymore. Not in the way that I miss having a baby in general (although I do), but I just missed Oak as a baby. So much so that I was on the verge of tears and a panic attack. I had to hurry and put it all away before I turned into a total mess.
I love my baby girl, and she is just growing up way too fast!


Jewls said...

This post makes me feel a lot better. I thought I was the only one with a child who DESTROYS books...makes me so sad because I'm a book lover!

I can't read past blog makes me too sad to see how big Z has gotten, I wish we could freeze time!!

Matt and Christy said...

Elijah loves books and cherishes them, so our large library of books was hit hard when the twins came along. We have so many ripped up books now. It makes me so sad.

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! Totally know what you mean about one year olds!!! I have been putting some of R's stuff in bins & it makes me so sad. On another note, R is on my lap right now & keeps pointing at Oak & smiling. I think she will like playing with her, if we do get to see you guys in a couple weeks!