Thursday, November 10, 2011

his drawings...

I seriously can't get enough of his little drawings. We have so many papers with his drawings around here that I can't bear to throw away. But I have been trying to take pictures of my favorite so I can remember them and not have to keep everything.

Mac fishing! I love the details like the fish hook and the actual fish in the the water. I think this is his first coherent drawing of a scene and not just people.

How he draws his monsters now.

He loves to pretend he is spelling something when he is writing all these letters. He did spell one word, his  name right in the middle.

His pumpkins with  ghosts carved into them.

1 comment:

Dan and Ang said...

I love the idea of taking pictures of his drawings! I'll have to remember that. Drew loves to draw (scribbles, of course) and I hate to throw them away - I'll have to start taking pictures of them!