Monday, April 18, 2011

finger food...

This week Oak has been working on picking up food and eating it. So far we have only given her veggie puffs (which dissolve easily). But she has figured out how to pick them up, sometimes with her thumb and pointer finger, and bring them to her mouth. She is getting better at figuring out how to let it go in her mouth and gumming it. Since she is getting good at this, we are going to start doing finger foods with meals.

She is also at a point where she is eating 3 meals a day. Which includes a bottle then a jar of baby food.

This doesn't have to do with food, but when I went to get her from her nap on Saturday she was sitting up in her crib. It kind of freaked me out a bit. And now she is a pro at it and is sitting herself up all the time.
And although she isn't grabbing stuff to pull herself up yet, we have now lowered her crib mattress, because I know it won't be long.

And the wiggles and restlessness is finally starting with her at church, yikes. (Mac started that at 6 months)


Kristen Moss said...

I need to do this exact same post with kem and finger foods. Maybe I will just copy and paste yours. LOL! I should probably take my own pictures though... however oakley is just about as cute as they come.

Jenni said...

So beautiful! Love your little girl!