Tuesday, December 21, 2010

To my three year old Mac,

You are an amazing little boy! And I literally am in awe of you everyday, and the fact that I get to be your mama. You have a very unique and fiery personality, that really gets the attention of so many. You are very strong willed and once you have made up your mind you never take no for an answer, even when we give you a good explanation of why we have told you no. you will randomly tell us you love us, which literally melts our hears. you are loud and busy and are constantly wiggling and moving. you are very passionate about the things that you love. you love your baby sister and hate when you go somewhere with out her. you love all things that go, but at the top of that list is trains. you love your best buddies and are always so excited to see them. you have the most amazing memory and literally never forget anything. you can recount almost everything that you have seen, heard or that has happened to you in great detail. we don't use bribing as a regular parenting tactic, but you really could care less about it most of the time and that has made potty training a very LONG process. You seem to be just too busy to take a break to run to the bathroom. However I think you are almost fully potty trained, crossing my fingers. You are very smart and catch on very quickly, especially when you are actually paying attention. you are an entertainer and will do anything to get people to laugh. you seem to have a really bad month of naughtiness and then a really great month of having my sweet little boy back. It is very tiring on us, but I hope we still show you how much we love you amidst the chaos of your toddler hood. You are loved by so many people! You are very blessed to come from an amazing birthmother and her love for you is endless. She has told me that you  are such a blessing to her. And we are so blessed to be your parents and to lead and teach you as we watch you grow. You will forever be my baby boy!

With love,

***Mac turned three a week ago but we had a super crazy week and I was never able to get this post finished and posted. An update of all the fun we had for his birthday coming soon!

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