Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mac funnies {Sept to Dec 2010}

3 year well check up

It has been way too long since I have posted some of Mac's famous funnies! ENJOY!! 
 *When we started full force potty training Mac we got him some Thomas the Tank Engine underwear. We told him that Thomas would be upset if he peed on him. So when Mac would have an accident instead of running to the bathroom he would run to our room to the full length mirror and say "I want to see if Thomas is cross!" and look at his bottom in the mirror.

*We were walking to our car and a motorcycle drove by and Mac said "That smells like a grandpa car!" And indeed the fumes smelled just like Grandpa Dicks old Model A Ford.

*Mac went #2 on the potty and he said "That was one stinky poop!"

*Pointing to his wrist, "mama, my watch says 24, it's time to go to school!"

*Telling about something that happened to him earlier that he was not happy about, "My happy face was ruined, and then I started to cry!" (talking about the smile on his face)

*I went to go get him out of the nursery to take him potty. He turned to his teacher and said very matter of factly, "I am going to go potty, I will be right back!"

*We were naming people that we know and Mac was telling us whether they are a boy or girl. I asked him what his best buddy "J" (our neighbor) was and he said "My best friend!" (Totally melted me!)

*We had been invited to someones house for dinner and on the way home Daddy was telling Mac what a good boy he was for picking up his toys. Mac corrected Daddy and said that they weren't HIS toys they were THEIR toys. I started laughing because our two year old was correcting Daddy's grammar and then Mac says "Mommy, your a crack up!!"

*He must of bitten his tongue when he was eating and he started whimpering a little. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I ate my mouth!"

*Mac had an accident with #2 in his underwear and Daddy cleaned it up. He washed the underwear in the toilet before putting them in the washer. Mac was watching this because he was taking a bath. The next day, Mac had peed his pants and ran to the bathroom, I was doing something else and all of a sudden here the toilet flush. I ran to the bathroom to see what was going on and I found Mac with  no underwear on and a soak and wet pair of underwear on the counter with the floor all wet. He looked at me and said I peed my pants and cleaned my underwear in the toilet. I wanted to cry and laugh all at the same time. Lucky for Mac I just laughed about it.

*We were watching a movie where a guy got hurt while milking a cow. Mac was recounting the story for us and said, "Nember (remember) when that guy was pooping the cow?"

*I was making pancakes for dinner and asked Mac if he wanted to help. He said, "Mama you go sit at the table and I will make the pancakes!"

*Oak had some sores that we were putting medicine on and Mac wanted to watch. He then says to her in the sweetest, caring voice, "I am sorry Oak, I don't have the tools to fix your owie."

*Hubs was getting ready for work and Mac was following him around and talking to, him. All of a sudden I hear Mac say to his daddy, "..."You are perfect to are my best pal!"

*When we got home one night, I told Mac I had a headache. When we walked in the door Mac told me to go sit on the couch and he would help me feel better and that he would go and make me some hot chocolate. He took care of me the rest of the night (Hubs was gone that evening). Oh how I love when my boy is sweet and makes the holy terror moments so worth it!

* (my room is a disaster most of the time. i decided to clean it one day because i had asked Mac to clean his and was feeling like a hypocrite.) Mac walks into my room when i was done cleaning it and acted shocked... "mama what happened to your room?"

*(Mac was playing with my hair and not very gently.) Mama: "Mac that hurts!" Mac: "It's ok Mommy, you don't need to freak!"

*Mac's prayer one night "Thank you for everybody and Mater...Amen" (At least he finally willing to start saying something else besides "bless the food" in his prayers).


Ron and Jessica said...

Love these! This age is so fun for me to read about because I've been teaching sunbeams for about six months. Those kids crack me up and make me want to cry every Sunday!

The Wright Family said...

I love the McCoy funnies! He is such a funny and smart kid. Wish you guys were still in our ward!