Thursday, December 16, 2010

4 month Oak!

I am seriously LOVING all the faces she is making in these pictures. She wasn't being super smiley but she doesn't have to to be cute and beautiful!

weight: 17.4 lbs (95 percentile)
height: 26" (95 percentile)

*she LOVES baths! Real ones and sponge baths.
*she has started grabbing toys and will put them straight in her mouth
*her hands are constantly in her mouth
*she slobbers like crazy and I have succumbed to having to put bibs on her constantly (which I hate)
*she is such a happy and content baby
*she rarely cries, only when we have waited too long to feed her or put her down to sleep
*she has slept in her crib in her own room for the last 3 nights
*she started arching her back this last week
*she blows raspberries
*she is so wiggly
*she is drinking 7 to 8 ounces at a time
*she loves to be talked to and given alot of attention/
*her back is getting really strong and I think she will be close to sitting up on her own before she is 6 months old.
*her hair is finally coming back in after loosing it and it seems to be a bit strawberry blond/brown
*she makes anybody near her, looking at her, or holding her happy. She has a very sweet spirit that people are drawn to.
*she giggles sometimes. and who doesn't love a baby giggling?!
*she recognizes her bottle and gets really excited for it.
*she knows our voices and will respond to her name sometimes.
*very ticklish!
*she is SO LOVED!!

Mac also turned 3 this week. His update will come soon, promise!


dust and kam said...

So, so beautiful.

I can not get enough of her, or your cute family!

Sonja said...

She is truly beautiful! Ian was a REALLY big drooler too and I was never a bib fan either. I did find that when we starting using them though that the drool still managed to get to his clothes and then the bib trapped in all that moisture. Well, anyways, he kept getting these nasty rashes on his chest. Should you find this a problem...I HIGHLY recommend Aquaphor. We would just put a good coating on his chest when we dressed him in the morning and then just gave up on bibs altogether...the drool remained for FOREVER it seemed but the rashes went away. Maybe it will never be a problem for you and your sweet drooler, but thought I would share just in case it did. ;)

Kristen Moss said...

she is beautiful. You are SOOOO good at captureing that baby-ness. I love it!

You are so good!

and 17 lbs. Wait to go oakley!

Kim said...

Her hair definitely has a red hue like McCoy's! How fun to have two redheads! Do you think it will be as red?

She's adorable!

Emily said...

She's such a little cutie!!! I can't believe how big she is already.

Ron and Jessica said...

I can't believe she's 4 months!!!!

Jenni said...

She is so beautiful!