Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Laundry and gratitude...

Today these go hand in hand for me. I really dread the laundry, just as most do. But this morning it was different for me. It took me 30 minutes to spot clean Mac's clothes and spray-n-wash and scrub the collars and cuffs of Hubs's 6 dress shirts. Usually I would get so frustrated and annoyed, but today I realized while I was spraying and scrubbing, that I was more than happy to do this for my boys, and I was utterly grateful for the opportunity I have to serve my son and husband in this capacity. It is a complete privilege. I know crazy huh?

In the 30 minutes I was doing all of this I felt grateful that I was scrubbing the collar and cuffs of Hubs's dress shirts because it reminded me that I have a husband who works everyday really hard to support his family and make sure that we have everything we need, and also that my husband is a worthy priesthood holder who willingly goes to church every Sunday, he partakes in the sacrament, he has a testimony, he is willing to serve the Lord to his greatest capacity. He is completely devoted to me and our children.  How lucky I am that I have a sweet little boy that is mine to keep forever and that he is here with me getting his clothes dirty by being a kid and having fun. I am so lucky that a special young lady has trusted enough to care for the child she carried for 9 months. How lucky I am for all of these things.

I don't know exactly what got into me, except that I am more aware of the little things in my life to be happy about since I have been doing my Grateful Sunday posts.



Jenni said...

You are such an inspiration! Way to look on the bright side, and see the positive, especially while doing the menial, day to day tasks.
Oh, and I must say, the stain remover "Zout" is the best stain remover ever, it can get grease, ink, and even strawberry stains out!

Sean and Steph said...

I am loving your gratitude posts!!! Not to give you less of an opportunity to serve, but I have found that shampoo is AMAZING on shirt collars and cuffs, as well as grease stains from food. Takes it right out, just apply, rub in a bit, and wash. Done!