Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Gratitude...

I am grateful...

01 . for the amazing wonderful man I am married to and the amazing Father that he is to our children.
02 . for my own amazing Father, he is truly one of the GREATEST men I know.
03 . to get to see so many cousins this weekend that I don't get to see very often or that I haven't seen in YEARS.
04 . that our summer fun can now begin!
05 . that it didn't rain too much this weekend at our family reunion campout.
06 . that we got to spend a fun morning and afternoon with my friend B and her boys this last week.
07 . that our garden is GROWING and that we have been able to eat alot of delicious salads using the lettuce and spinach from it, YUM!
08 . for a husband that is so eager to fill our home and our lives with the spirit, and that he is as concerned as I am about the future of our children.
09 . that Mac is on "good boy" streak, I need the little break from all the hitting and time outs.
10 . for a loving Heavenly Father who blessing me IMMENSELY in so many ways.

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