Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have had this overwhelming feeling like we are missing someone in our home. I have had it for awhile, like more than a few months. It is what finally drove me to spend every second I could on getting our adoption paperwork approved. On one side it is comforting to know that we will be able to add to our family, and I definitely have faith that it will happen. And on the other it breaks my heart that I can have this feeling and then do everything in my power and then we have to just wait an undisclosed amount of time. It could be two weeks or it could be two years, or even longer. I have no clue when I will have my baby in my arms, and it hurts alot. It is crazy to miss someone so much yet you don't even know if they exists on this earth yet.
I have a solid testimony that it will all happen in God's timing. I know he will orchestrate our miracle every step of the way, just as he did with the our miracle, Mac. But that doesn't make me ache less to be holding my baby in my arms.
Meanwhile, I am enjoying the time we have with just Mac...I love him more than words could ever describe!


Marc and Megan said...

Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. Even though my arms are as full at the moment, I will never forget the years of aching and waiting... and wonder if at some point I'll feel those feelings all over again. I hope your arms are filled soon, that the ache is replaced with a fullness of joy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ashley said...


Andrea said...

Ditto! Thanks for this post. Exactly how I am feeling too.

Desiree said...

Oh Brenley, what a great and wonderful but also very hard feeling to have. I wish so much that I could help you. I did hear of someone that was looking for a place for a baby to be adopted from someone in our ward, and I referred them to you. But, I don't know if it's even the right situation for you, but I will continue to keep my eyes and ears open. You are in my prayers.

Kristin and Seth said...

I am so sorry for your missing feeling, I hope it is filled some day soon. It would be so much easier to wait if you knew when it would happen. I know the Lord loves you and will make all things right in the end.