Thursday, April 8, 2010

Utah Trip Part TWO ~ Pinata night!

My brother wanted to do a pinata for my birthday. So that is what we was so fun! My brother and his family are very into pinatas, so much so that when he built this room he specifically put in a pinata hook in the ceiling just to hang pinatas. LOVE IT! My cute little niece E.J. filled the pinata all by herself and she was so proud of herself and she loved that no one knew what was inside and she wasn't about to tell anyone.

Mac loved hitting the pinata and had pretty good aim. He wanted it to be his turn every turn. The pinata was so big and so well put together that all the grandkids were able to each have two turns to hit it.

The aftermath! This is also my brother's new addition to their house. It is still a work in progress, but it was amazing. My brother is a highschool woodshop teacher and is very talented.

This is what we used to put all the food on. Funny!

One of the only times that they actually got along and shared with eachother.

Mac would only eat strawberries for dinner that night.

At the end of the night all the little cousins glued themselves to the tv to watch The Little Mermaid, so cute!

I am so glad that we got a family picture even though our whole family wasn't there. We are missing Hubs, my sister's husband, my other sister that lives in California and her husband and 5 kids, and my brother who lives in Colorado and his wife and their 4 kids (they were going to come but then something came up and they couldn't).

And we had to get a goofy faced picture!

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