Thursday, April 1, 2010

My birthday suprise...

We are not huge celebraters of birthdays in our house, at least not for Hubs and I. We want to make a big deal out of our kids' birthdays, but to be honest I am fine with a small acknowledment that it is my birthday, like a card or a phone call. Hubs is the same way, although I always make a cake for him. Anyway, so I didn't think it was a big deal to be in Utah while I celebrated my 31st birthday. In fact I had almost completely forgot that it was going to be my birthday until Hubs reminded me a couple of days before I left for Utah, I even had to ask him what day it was on (I don't keep track of the date very well). I had told Hubs that I wanted a necklace from THIS shop previously, like before Christmas. I had even brought it up at the begining of the month and told him it would be nice to get for my birthday, along with sending him an email with the link to the shop. He emailed me back with a "you will just have to see!". Hubs is not a supriser in anyway, except for one other time (which I should tell that story sometime, it's a good one!), so I didn't think much of it. I fleetingly thought all was lost when I left for Utah and didn't have the necklace that I wanted. But really I soon forgot, like I kept forgetting that it was going to be my birthday, until someone would bring it up. "Oh that's right!" (seriously I kept forgetting!)
My sister had driven from Colorado to with her two kids to spend the week with us in Utah. Monday came (my birthday) and my sister C asked me if she could take me to lunch for my birthday. Then some how plans evolved and we were going to the craft store and going to meet up with my cute niece B. On top of all of that my sister C (who works for a company based out of Utah) was asking where Bountiful was and how far away it was, because she was "supposed" to pick up her check from some lady that works for the same company that she does. It ended up that she was able to meet her in town instead of driving all the way to get it. So we had left my mom at the craft store to go meet this lady down the road. On the way there, I was asking my sister why she had to pick her check up instead of how getting it how she would normally (I think my sister was grateful that it was a quick jaunt from the craft store to Target where we were going to meet "this lady"). It wasn't making sense to me, although I wasn't catching on to anything or was suspicious in anyway, I just thought that it didn't make sense (I may not be "book" smart, but I am a very logical thinker which makes up for it). So we drive into the Target parking lot and my sister said there she is and we drive by a van with a lady in it. I looked at the lady quickly, but didn't really pay attention to who she was because we drove by her so quickly. My sister pulls in front of her and gets out of the car, and I am not really paying attention because I was giving Mac fruit snacks in the back seat of the car. But my sister was acting weird when she got out of the car and looked over to where the lady would be to see what was going on and my best friend Amy (from when we lived in Tigard and who now lives in Utah) was standing outside my car door. And because I don't usually freak out at suprises and I am a very logical thinker,
this is how I reacted...

completely confused!
...then EXCITED to see Amy!
So Amy was standing there with a package in her hand. She hands it to me and said it was from Hubs. And then I knew immediatly what it was. SO EXCITED!
I jumped out and gave Amy a huge hug, it was so good to see her and it was an awesome birthday suprise.
C went and got my Mom and I jumped in A's car to head over to In-N-Out Burger to wait for them.
But before we went in, A wanted me to open up my package, so she could see it.

Still in shock from the whole suprise.
We then went into In-N-Out and my niece was there waiting for us too and she gave me a birthday present too. It was so fun to sit and eat lunch with everyone.

It was so great to get to see A. She really has been one of my best friends since we met nearly six years ago. We have alot in common and very similar interests, although very different personalities, and I love it! I really wish we lived closer, but I am pretty sure that will never happen, but I can dream!

So Hubs had put this all together with the help of A and my sister C. Thankfully they were both good sports about it. Hubs told me that he had planned this before I left obviously. He wanted to get me the necklace but didn't want to just give it to me because I had asked for it. So he emailed Lindsey who makes the necklace and had her send it to Amy. And then worked with my sister and Amy to figure out how to get it to me and suprise me. I was so proud of my sweet husband for going the extra mile and making my birthday memorable even if we were apart.

I was also able to go out to eat with all of my family that was in Utah. I am so glad that I got to celebrate with them.


Emily said...

That is the coolest ever!!! Way to go Bryce!

Happy Birthday Brenley!!!

Ashley said...

I love my rHouse necklace. Happy Birthday!!

Danielle said...

I am so glad you had a great birthday. I love your necklace. What a sweet husband.

Desiree said...

That is so neat, I would have reacted the same way...confused then excited. What a neat surprise, and beautiful necklace!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

So nice! I got the same necklace for my birthday back in December . . . but I dropped many hints. :) Glad you had a fun time!

Madame Hallie said...

What a great birthday you had! I am so jealous that you had In N Out too! One day I will get an R House Necklace too. I will have to send a good hint like you did too.

McCluskey Family said...

I am glad that you had a nice birthday. Bryce did a good job.

Jenni said...

Wow-Happy Late Birthday! I am so glad to hear that you had a fun time in Utah with your family and friends, and that was so sweet and thoughtful of Bryce. I love surprises too. It's a sweet necklace. Brenley, you're such a good mom, and a sweet friend. We need to get together more often.