Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just feeling so blessed!

For some reason Mac woke up crabby today! All he wanted this morning was his Daddy! Which really doesn't hurt my feeling at all, because I think it is so cute how he just adores Hubs. But in all I knew that the day was going to be a rough one. His crabbiness hasn't gotten better, but he has his times of being happy, but those only last a few minutes. But even taking care of my crabby little man, I feel so blessed to be his Mother and to be able to take care of him everyday! I have had some mixed feeling about him turning ONE at the end of the week. He is just growing up way too fast. Before long he won't be my baby anymore (although he will always be my "baby") he will be a full blown toddler. I don't know if we will be blessed with anymore children, so for him to leave the baby stage is a little bitter sweet for me. I remember a year ago, thinking "in a year we will have a one year old". And now here we are a year later with a one year old. It is just really crazy to think about. I love this little man, more than life itself! And it feels like he has always been with us. I can hardly remember life as just Hubs and I. Sorry that my thoughts are a little scattered right now, but I was just feeling so blessed today!


Zanzi & Buzz said...

Grace was sitting on my lap as I opened this up and this is what she said:
Why does baby Jesus have white one? Why are they all in white? Is baby Jesus getting big there?
Much love from all of us!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Hi Brenley! I can't believe little McCoy is turning one! Kids grow so fast! I feel the same way as you do about how blessed we both our to be Mothers to our little babes and that we get to take care of them, crabbiness and all! :)

I also wanted to let you know that I am going to try a sort of "Things Attley/Berkley" myself. I haven't come up with a better title. Things McCoy has such a great ring to it! I hope that is okay with you! If not totally let me know & I will modify it.

I appreciate being your blogging friend and love to share in your little boy's life! I hope that one day soon you will get to be a mother to another child and I will think of you often & will pray for you, too!

Happy Holidays!


Ben & Diane said...

Time flies. It was a year ago that I was so happy for you guys.....and I still am. Isn't it funny how we love our kids so much that even when they are crabby we still think they are cute. I hope you guys have more children. You are wonderful parents!

Jenni said...

What a BEAUTIFUL boy! We sure hope he is feeling better and that we can see him soon.

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

McCoy is beautiful. Time does fly! I think the struggle in bringing these precious babies into our homes makes you appreciate the worst, hardest parenting moments in a way that is so different than for those who haven't experienced the struggle. I am so grateful for every second I have had with Zach and hope I too have the opportunity to have these experiences again.

Smith Boys, and the Girl said...

Your boy is handsome. It sure is nice to see you guys so happy and healthy. Love ya