Sunday, December 14, 2008

hearts full of gratitude!

Mac turned ONE today! For some reason, I have really been dreading this day. Not in a negative way at all, but because I want my baby to stay a baby! When I go and check on my sleeping babe before bed, I am scared I will wake up to a 15 year old Mac who hates me. I also just can not believe I have a one year old. I can't believe that I waited for this day for so long, and now it is here and gone. (I am crying as I write this)! Also as the days go by, we get further and further away from the amazing and beautiful day that he was born and placed in our arms. And I NEVER want to forget one second of that day. I have still yet to get it all done in writing, but for 12 months I have gone through every detail in my head EVERY single day. I remember how my heart was so full and yet so heavy (those who have adopted their children will understand that). I just can't help but think of our sweet, beautiful C on this day (and every day). She gave the best birthday present to Mac that will last FOREVER. And although it was not her main purpose in her decision, she gave us the most precious gift we could ever ask for. (still crying!) Our hearts right now are just so full of gratitude for infertility, for adoption, for C, for Mac, for our Savior! Boy are we blessed!
(Wow, If I am this emotional over Mac turning one, I am going to be a wreck on his first day of school! I don't even want to think about that!)
Thank you C for giving us this day with Mac.


Cali and Travis said...

Wow! Now I'm crying. Sheesh! I only have three months to get ready for this milestone myself! BTW, I need your mailing address so I can send a Christmas card. Our gmail is travandcali Thanks!

Hanna said...

Hi Brenley. I posted a comment under one of your adoption posts. My daughter's birthday was on the 14th too! She is one year older than your son but her name is Brinley too! Do you say your's "Bren" or "Brin"? I found you on Carlie's blog bytheway. Take care!