Tuesday, December 9, 2008


on OPERATION: bottle to SIPPY...

The day didn't go too bad. When he would get upset that I gave him a sippy instead of a bottle I just sat him in his high chair and let him eat. That usually calmed him down. I held strong the entire day and he didn't have one single bottle. But I felt bad, because I don't think he was getting enough liquids, his diapers weren't very wet. When Hubs got home at 6 he started dinner for me I told him that I was going to give Mac a bottle before bed. Hubs thought that I should keep with the sippys even at night. But a little while later Mac was whining because he really wanted a bottle. All of a sudden, Hubs said that he couldn't handle it anymore and made him a bottle. So there, I was not the softy this time and gave in! IT WAS Hubs!


Rolph Family said...

Stick with it...it took Kambria a couple of nights giving her a sippy cup for her to realize that is what she was getting and she finally gave in. Now she takes sippy cups just fine. We put a little vanilla soy milk in her milk to make it taste better during the transition from formula to milk...she loved that!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Sounds like it's going pretty well! Stay strong! :)

Becca said...

that is too funny...I am discovering that my husband is a 'secret softy' too! :)

The Moon's said...

funny guy! That is probably what would happen at our house too!

FarrEver Family said...

It always seemed to be that way with Mylisa too. Have you checked up on her lately?

ckkg said...

ahhh, bottles to sippies! fun, huh?! it's so hard to not give in, for moms AND dads! it may not seem like it some days, but they actually DO learn to love the sippies too! hang in there!

Cali and Travis said...

Yeah we're trying to start the transition. I've been trying to make sure Gideon has a sippy cup during the day and a bottle only at night. But he's still fairly young, so sometimes I just give in when the crying gets too bad and give him a bottle. Still I keep telling myself as long as we get the "practice" with the sippy cup now, it will be easier when we take the bottle away totally. but maybe I'm wrong.

Sonja said...

Don't feel bad. It sounds like you made great progress. At least he somewhat took it during the day. That night-time one will be the hardest to break, but if you can at least get the day-time bottles gone then it shouldn't take too long to get that night-time one too. Hang in there. It will happen. :)

Swanson Family said...

We are going through the same thing here with Kiera. I love those sippy cups - I think she doesn't feel totally jipped, 'cause they're still "bottle-like" Good luck!!

Julee and Matt said...

Good luck and I think it's funny Bryce was the one to give in...this time at least. :)