Friday, December 19, 2008

ONE YEAR or 12 months...

Weight: 21 lbs 2 oz. (25%)
Height: 30.2 in (70%)

Mac had his exam yesterday. It was supposed to be Monday, but the weather kept us from getting there on time. So we had to reschedule. And we didn't get to see his actual doctor because she is scheduled out two months in advance. So we saw her Nurse Practitioner. Which I love also. Anyway, as far as Mac's development, he is right on. And I haven't had any worries about that. But his eating shenanigans is another story. The NP told me not to worry to much about it, because this age tends to get picky and not eat as much. She also said that we can give him soy milk. So as soon as I can get to the story I will start transitioning him to that. He is also facing forward in his car seat. Some things Mac has done recently that I haven't recorded yet is: he learned to climb up on a step stool that is helping block the kitchen. He only gets on his hands and knees so he kept on slipping off. Slipping off made him mad so he shoved the stool and realized that it moved. He got excited and figured out how to totally move it so he could escape to the kitchen. He was pretty proud of himself. So another wards I had to go to the garage to drag in another Rubbermaid tote to fix the hole in my makeshift gate. He hasn't figured out how to move those yet. He has also started to bark and sign dog when he sees dogs now, so cute. He like to bully his Elmo LIVE. I got him to eat diced peaches last week and he loved them, but a no go this week. Operation bottle to sippy only lasted a few days. By Friday he was so fussy and I felt bad, so I gave him bottles all day to help comfort his pain. Also, not drinking so much during the day, made him want more in the middle of the night, and I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired. So we will try again soon. He is teething another molar and a top tooth. And it hasn't been fun. But we love the boy anyway. Mac is really such a joy, and we love him to pieces!

1 comment:

FarrEver Family said...

Oh I love the way you did that with his pictures. Want to give me some clues how to do it?