Sunday, December 14, 2008


HaPpY bIrThDaY bIg BoY!
Mac C.
December 14, 2007
at 2:33pm
in  Montana
7 lbs 10 oz and 20 in


Left the hospital at one day old. First car ride. First visit from family, Grandma and Grandpa M. First and second visit with C after placement. Belly button fell off at 6 days old. First bath. First Christmas. First time at church. Started Sleeping through the night. First movie at the theater.

one month
First smile. First Valentines Day. First post placement visit with LDSFS. First snowfall and subzero temps. Started cooing. Started getting baby acne.
two months
First shots (vaccines). 2 month check-up: Weight- 12 lbs 4 oz (75%) Height- 23.5 in (75%). Two more visits with C. First walk outside in stroller. First plane ride. First visit to Oregon. First time meeting Daddy's side of the family. Started drooling a lot. Started liking being in the front pack. Started liking tummy time. Fist in his mouth all the time.


Laughed for the first time. Started grabbing things more. Started staring at his fists. First carousel ride. First Easter. First babysitter. Started getting eczema. First drive out of Helena since he was born. And another visit with C.
four months
4 month check-up: Weight- 15.5 lbs (75%) Height- 26 in (80%). More shots. Loves to stand (with help of course). Had rice cereal for the first time. Says "gaagaa" and "maamaa". Sleeping 10-12 hours every night. Holding head up when on tummy better. Started sucking on bottom lip. Grabbing bottle and helping hold it when being fed. Starting to grab for his feet. Made me an actual Mother on Mother's Day. Another visit with C. First try sleeping unswaddled. Started rolling over from tummy to back. Reaching and grabbing for everything. Got his first Lawyer.

five months


First LONG car ride. First visit to the family lake house in Oregon. Actually slept unswaddled for the first time. First visit to the park. First time on a swing. Started rolling over from back to tummy. First three teeth teeth. First time eating baby food, sweet potatoes. Set up appt for temple sealing. Started screaming for fun. Loves vegetable baby food, and gags on fruit baby food. Eczema starting to get better. When he drops a toy, he can find it and pick it up again. Started to hold his own bottle. Knows the sign for "milk". Favorite song is Popcorn Popping.

six months


6 month check-up: Weight- 17.4 lbs (50%) Height- 26.5 in (50%). Made Hubs and actual Father on Father's Day. Finalized adoption on June 24th. Started grinding his teeth. Last visit with C before we moved from Montana. First move from Montana to Oregon. First minor league baseball game. Started rolling to get somewhere. Met first cousin on my side of the family. First Independence Day. First big boy bath. First time wearing a life jacket and first boat ride. Started biting, ouch! Stopped sleeping through the night. First Rodeo and Parade. First sucker (candy). First time throwing up. Sat in the shopping cart for the first time. First time sitting in high chair at restaurant. First medication (antibiotics). First popsicle.

seven months


Weight 18.lbs. First play group. First wedding. First time swimming and first swim lessons. One year since we found out about Mac. Took his first shower. Finally got his birth certificate. Starting to sit up by himself. Loves playing with grass. Loves being outside.

eight months


Started to pick up food by himself. Stopped liking baby food. Loves books. Started turning the pages himself. Started getting excited when Hubs gets home from work. Hates church. Started putting his arms up when you got to pick him up. He was sealed to his Mommy and Daddy on August 16th. He had another visit with C and saw his birth-grandparents for the first time since he was born. First professional family pictures. Started getting around and getting into everything. Was given a name and a blessing by Daddy. First time meeting his Aunt Candis and cousins Emilia Jo and Callan. First time at the Fair. Started army crawling. Started to dance when you ask or he hears music. Know his name. Started signing "more" and "all done". Got a new car seat and new crib. Started to sleep better at night.

nine months

9 month check-up: Weight-19.11 lbs (50%) Height- 29 3/4 in (90%). We started brushing his teeth. Started getting on his hands and knees. Started shaking his head. Started to wave and say "bye bye". Started clapping his hands. First trip to the Coast. Loves sand! Pulled himself up to standing for the first time. Started crawling on hands and knees.

ten months

First Halloween. First time at a pumpkin patch. Laughs when he hears someone else laughing. Started pointing at everything. Started signing "milk" and "please". Can drink from a cup. Got his first molar. Loves getting into the dishwasher. Started to suck through straws. Will only eat toast or bananas. Has started to copy things we do. Started to hold himself up with just one hand. Has a super good memory. Can climb the stairs (with supervision).

eleven months

First diaper rash. Started to really love baby blankets. Can point to his eye and say "eye". Can throw a ball. Started signing "eat" and "please" and "doggy". Says "bye" and "high". Has started trying to mimic words when I say it over and over to him. Can copy sounds we make. Started liking trucks and anything with wheels or makes a loud noise. And will say "vroom" when he sees them or plays with them. Started trying to convert from a bottle to a sippy (still working on that one.) Loves to look at books. He points at everything and anything. Started walking with his push toy. Started to stand on his own for a few seconds when we help him. And started trying to let go and take a few steps on his own when we help him. He hasn't done this as his own idea yet. First time sitting on Santa's lap. First candy cane. First ear infection. First Thanksgiving.

three months


dust and kam said...

Happy Birthday McCoy! What a great year it has been!

Brenley, I loved your year in review! And the photos! You are amazing! :)

Desiree said...

That was so cute! It's amazing how they change so much just in the first year. He's a special boy, so cute!

Julee and Matt said...

Happy Birthday McCoy! I can't believe you are already 1. I remember talking with Aunt Shan about when you were going to be born, while we were back in Oregon for a visit. We love you so much and hope to see you next time we come up to visit!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday McCoy! Man it just seems like yesterday that we went to your house and saw him just a few days after he was born. Man time flies by way too fast! Got your card in the mail. Way cute! hope all is well!

The Michiganders said...

That was priceless. What a sweet tribute to your little man. He is beautiful and time goes by so fast.

Emily said...

Happy Birthday cutest McCoy! My goodness that went by fast!

Our Pratt Pack said...

I can't believe he's already 1! What a neat post I loved reading all the little facts and watching him grow up!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday McCoy!

Cory and Becca said...

Happy Birthday to baby McCoy!--He is a sweetie!

rose said...

long distance happy birthday snuggles to McCoy!
(and one for you too spring!)

The Wright Family said...

What a great idea to give us a review and pic of each month. Boy, time flies. He can do sooo much. I'm impressed!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Happy Birthday McCoy!! I loved reading all about your first 12 months of life!