Sunday, October 28, 2007


Well, I haven't posted anything for the last week because I haven't had anything to post about. I could complain about my job and all the drama that is going on there right now. I could go on and on about how anxious we are for our baby boy and how he will be here in less than 7 weeks. I could complain about the cold weather, but that hasn't even been that bad. And who wants to hear about all of that anyway.
So this is all I've got...

I finally got my Lucky Baby baby sling in the mail this week. I am really excited to use it. All though I probably wont be taking him anywhere for awhile after he is born (because it will be too cold and in the middle of flu season). But I think I will be using it alot at home when I am doing things around the house. I have read that it is important to hold an adopted baby alot, to help create a better bond.

And this is...
what I made at our Enrichment night at church Friday. The letters are just those cool vinyl letters. There is a lady in our Stake who has a vinyl lettering machine and she holds craft nights every few months so I am really excited about that. Also she said that she can customize anything if I get her the info for it. So I plan on getting her to make me a couple of our baby's name (what ever that ends up being) to put on my tags for my family home evening board. I was kind of worried about getting that to actually make our FHE board functional.
I have also FINALLY started to make my niece Hallie's baptism scrapbook. Her baptism was back in June, so I am way behind. My sister-in-law asked me to make one and then right after that I got my job, so I never really got to it. But it is actually in the works now. When I get some of it done, I will post pictures.
Sorry Shannon, but I promise that I didn't forget about it!
I hope that this satisfies everyone's need for a NEW post!


Kim said...

Yo Bryce and Brenley! It's Danny. Kim was telling me that she found your blog and I have to say, it's very cool to see what is going on with you guys! Congrats on the baby boy! I'm looking forward to pics in 7 weeks or so! Take care!

Emily said...

I am definitely satisfied...I always like to see what cute crafts you're doing. And I'm excited about your baby sling...that looks perfect!

It's getting so close...holy cow!

Shauna said...

I think you are really going to enjoy your baby sling. We saw them all over down in Guatemala, and the kids loved them.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you are faster than I would be:) Thanks so much for doing the scrapbook. When you do your FHE tags, let me know board is still sitting with paper tags!!

kg said...

Cute sign! I wish we would do stuff like that at our enrichment :)

Julee and Matt said...

Hallie will love her scrapbook. And you always have some cute craft that you have done. I can't believe it's down to just weeks for little baby boy to join your family. That's so exciting!!

rose said...

i've got a baby bjorn that i don't use anymore if you want it! i hear you either love the sling and hate the bjorn or other way around. i LOVED the bjorn. i used it on both kids and can't imagine how much harder things would've been without it. lemmie know if you want me to send it up.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I love your harvest thing, and the baby sling will be your best friend, I don't know how I would have lived with out mine. It was hand made by a friend before they were common-not nearly as cool as the ones today. I am sure you will not have to worry about bonding with your little one, I think your problem will be letting him learn to be by himself! :-) I am so excited and happy for you!

Lizzie said...

I LOVE your harvest sign. I've never seen one like that before. I like how it is brown ad tan and the letters look "harvesty". Also, that sling is so cute. You'll have to let us all know if it's comfy when the baby comes. I've never found anything like that, that I actually liked and used. Hopefully this is the one.