Monday, October 22, 2007


Well, I thought I would just update everyone on what has been going on with us. Nothing exciting, but here goes...

I was able to go home to Oregon to visit friends and family last month. I got to see Mylisa and was given a very fun baby shower.
Hubs is now teaching Seminary. It starts at 7am, so it isn't too early and he still gets to work on time. He will be released from his current calling this next week as 2nd counselor in Elders Quorum.
We were able to go to the Stake Center and watch all sessions of General Conference. Which we really enjoyed!
Work has been good for me, but really frustrating at times. Especially this last week. The 10 hour days with basically no breaks, is really tiring and getting old. I cant wait until my last day the end of November. In the meantime it will help the days to go by much faster.
We finally got Montana License plates for one of our cars. It cost $275 for one car for one year! OUCH!! We are waiting to get them for the other car next month.
We have yet to get any snow on the valley floor! But I don't think that it is too far away! It has been really cold. We are still trying to figure out what we need to do to get our cars ready for below 0 degree temps.
Hubs and our landlord Perry, took down the window screens and put up the storm windows this last weekend. And it has made a huge difference in our house warms up. It feels less drafty and it stays warmer longer.
The Fall has been beautiful here. The bummer is that there are no real pumpkin patches around. We were really bummed because that is one of our favorite things to do in the fall.
We are getting very anxious for our little boy to get here. Just about 7 weeks left. Hopefully a little sooner.
We cant decide on a name for our little guy, mostly because of Hubs and him not liking ANY name at all. But we don't want to pin a name on him yet anyway, we want to wait to see him and then decide.
So that is all that I can think of at the moment. Hope you all feel caught up on us!


Emily said...

Dang Brenley, 10 hour days are no fun. I hope you're done with that madness soon. I am totally feeling bad for you about how cold it's going to get there. And I feel your pain about getting your car registered in a new state. Nevada is BRUTAL!!

I've heard that people leave their cars running while they get gas in places where it's super that true?

Julee and Matt said...

Just think, you will be done with work in a month and the little man is going to be here soon after. I totally understand the cold weather, I really feel for you. :)

greg&sarina said...

ooh, the name search... we are really not even anywhere close on deciding a name, and we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl, so... we need to pick out possible names for both. are you guys really going to wait until he's born? do you have top name choices at least?

mrs. r said...

love the A.E. quote on the left! very cool. i might have to steal that one!

love the mobile also. you really NEED the sassy mirror that ties onto the side of the crib. it keeps our little guy from waking up crying. he wakes up and stares at himself, then giggles, then talks and then he's ready to get out. it is a MIRACULOUS toy!

we are so excited for you! we are counting down the days as well!!!!

Sonja said...

I think boy names are so hard. We didn't decide on Ian's until the day before I was induced. We just got a feeling though, and miraculously, both agreed after months of disagreement. I'm sure the right name will come to mind when the time comes.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

i love your site! I am so excited for you to get your little baby! Your nursery is really cute. I am partial to the ocean look.


I know your mom and Luoise are really close, I hope that didn't offend you what i wrote on my blog, the whole point is that she is crazy/funny and I love her, but alot of people misunderstand her. Should i erase what I put? And thanks for the crock advice- I'm going straight to payless today.

JTA said...

I actually miss the cold weather. My cute coats and sweaters go un used. I am VERY excited that the little guy is almost here and can't wait to see pictures!!!

Brynne said...

You've been busy! I know we don't get below 0 temps but storm windows would help our place stay warmer with our vaulted ceilings. And even though you might not have pumpkin patches there, I bet your house is decorated the cutest for the season!

Brynne said...

I just noticed on your side bar of people who have adopted you have The Baltzers. How did you hear about them? They're our friends from Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sis. I'll if this works. We want you to know how much we love you two.
Dad & Mom