Friday, October 5, 2007


Only 10 more weeks until our little guy is here! Just a little over 2 months! Wow I can't believe that it is getting closer, I am so excited!
Please continue to pray for our sweet birthmother, that she may feel comfort with her decision and the deeply difficult emotions that go with it.
Thank you!!


Carlotta said...

I don't even know what to put down. It was SO hard at placement but once I signed the papers it was like I felt this sense of relief. I don't know how to explain it. I wish I could tell your birthmom that she will be ok. The first week was the hardest because I didn't know what to expect as far as contact and all that stuff. Once we had the first phone call and the first visit out of the way so much of the anxiety and weirdness went away. I talk to Elisa All the time. We even went to dinner last week. I love the open relationship that we have. I know that each story is it's own. That's why adoption is SO amazing. It is a story that can never be duplicated. The emotions are incredible through this whole journey on both ends. I can only speak for myself but it was so much better to have things out in the open and to be as "normal" as possible to each other so there wasn't even MORE awkwardness. I can say that the way mike and elisa have been towards me has helped me to heal SO much. not to say that the adoptive couple is completely responsible but I know that it plays a big role in how a birthmom heals. Sorry to go off. =) I wish I could put down exactly how I feel. I feel SO excited for you guys, I just can't stand it. Adoption is something that I don't know that my mortal mind will ever be able to wrap around or process completely. I just know that the Atonement REALLY makes sense now. =) I don't know if you have already but just through your WHOLE self into this journey so that you don't look back with ANY regrets. HOW EXCITING THIS ALL IS!!!!!

by the way- how did you find my blog and when did you start to follow it. =) this blogging thing is wild. especially since it's how I found my family =)

Julee and Matt said...

I am so excited for another little Wilberger baby running around. I am so excited for you and Bryce to be parents, as I have seen you for so many years as the favorite aunt and uncle. You little boy will be here before you know it and so you better get things ready now. Love ya!

rose said...

i can't even imagine how you guys are feeling right now. probably ALOT of stuff. but please know that you and the sweet birthmother are in many of our thoughts, and you are all so loved. it is an amazing thing you are all doing, and how awesome it is that you are able to do it. lots of love and support to all of you!

Emily said...

It's coming up fast! Of course we'll be thinking of you Brenley, and the birthmother. You guys are doing something amazing and I hope that all goes well for everyone involved!

Shonda said...

I'm thirlled for your little, growing, family!