Friday, April 11, 2014


---Tax season is about to end! YAY! Actually it hasn't been all that bad. With the firm being smaller than his previous employer, and Hubs being one of the "bosses" he isn't working more than his off busy season hours at his past jobs.

---Our 13th wedding anniversary is on Monday. I know that 13 is nothing compared to 50 but to us 13 sounds like a lot. We have been through a lot together and I am happy we have come through happy to still be together. Love my man!

---We will finally have the opportunity to get away together the week after Easter. I am so excited, it is so long over due. I seriously can't remember the last time we had a little get-a-way.

---Hubs is really enjoying his job and he admitted to me that he is even enjoying doing taxes which he has always hated. He comes home happy instead of frustrated and I am so glad that he has found that in his job.

---Hubs has also started to learn how to knit as to help keep himself from playing on being on his phone all the time. I think it is great. I might start doing it with him. I have been thinking about making some short term goals for myself to learn some new things.

---Homeschooling has been fine. We haven't been doing a lot of structured learning, most of it is on the fly but my kids are learning new things so I count that as a success. I believe Mac is at a first grade level for math (he seems to really love math) and he is more hesitant about reading, although he can read great. So we need to work on that a bit. I mostly work with him on little things here and there that I know he could work on.

---I finally got both the kids into a dentist for their cleanings and check up this week. They were supposed to go in December but with the chaos that never happened. A great thing is that we finally have dental insurance to cover preventive care for the kids (only). That has been super great. It was costing us about $1000 a year just for both of their check ups. Mac's check up was great. For some reason his teeth turn grayish over time no matter how much we brush. It has started to collect on his teeth as early as a week after having his teeth cleaned. It looks terrible but thankfully it doesn't do anything to his teeth and the hygienist is able to clean it all off. Dentist says his teeth look really healthy and we have made an appointment to get a sealant on a permanent molar. He also has a two year molar that has not emerged all the way and we may have to shovel out some money to get it looked at and possibly removed by a specialist. Oak rocked her appointment and she let them do everything they needed to. However she does have the start of a cavity between two molars. She doesn't need a filling but we do need to be more vigilant about flossing that spot.

---Oak has gone three weeks without sucking her thumb. So proud of her! I plan on doing a post about that.

---We unfortunately found out we are not able to get a loan to purchase a house for about another year or more. There is a some regulation or what ever it is called that says that if you are new business owner you have to have two years experience before you can buy a house. And technically Bryce is a new business owner. A little frustrating but we aren't devastated.

--With that being said we found a new place to rent. It is a town house with three bedrooms and attached two car garage and a small fenced in backyard. It has a lot more room and we will be able to unpack a majority of our things where living in this small apartment we have done without a lot of our things because we just don't have the space. Some bonuses is that there are a lot of children in the neighborhood and it is on a dead end street and the popular walking trail close by. We are excited! We will sign the lease and do a walk through next week but we are going out of town so we won't be moving until we get back.

---The weather has been so wonderful the last week. And the blossoming trees are out and the flowers are blooming and it is greening up just a bit around here. Love the sunshine.

---Last night Oak spent from 8pm to midnight crying off and on, with the majority of the time crying. It was rough. Hubs and I tag teamed it but I eventually had to let Hubs go to bed so he could get some good enough rest for work the next day. It started it out as a sore/canker sore in her mouth hurting and then it was like she thought she was dying or something. She had to have a throw up bowl because she assumed she was going to throw up and then she wanted a cold pack because she assumed her head would start hurting. And really she was just overly tired and had a hard time resting her body. She fell asleep a few times but kept waking up crying.  She really was fine health wise so I avoided giving her any medicine but by midnight I couldn't take it and thought maybe she was actually sicker than I thought and gave her some motrin. And with in minutes she actually communicated with me without crying for the first time in four hours. And so I made her a bed on the floor next to my side of the bed and she was asleep within 30 seconds and slept the whole night. She has been totally fine today however I have woke up in a grumpy, emotional mood.

---Mac lost another tooth! This would be his 5th. He lost one of his top, front ones. And I am so excited because the other one is loose so soon his grin will be so cute with those two missing front teeth.

---Oak has been very into doing my hair and wants to do it numerous times a day. She actually can even put my hair in a ponytail and can put her own hair in a ponytail. She also almost always is wearing her cape, crown and a glove (Queen Elsa) when we leaving the house to go anywhere. It is quite cute!

---I went to the YMCA yesterday and picked up papers to join and to sign the kids up for swim lessons. I am really excited because for our whole family to be members it will cost us less than $50 a month. And that includes free access to gym and there group classes and child watch while we are doing those. And we get a huge discount on the swim lessons.

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