Sunday, April 20, 2014

another week...

I got to take this little sweet hearts one year photos as a favor for a friend. She is the sweetest. I picked her up and she immediately put her head on my shoulder and started patting my back. 

The kids must have been super tired one day and they BOTH fell asleep on the way home from the store. Oak rarely falls asleep in the car. So when I got home I just stayed in the car with them and took a nap myself.

I was asked to be in charge of a craft for a stake womens conference. I had a $50 budget and needed a craft for about 50 people. I was pretty stumped on what to do, but after thinking about some of the crafts I have seen my mom do I decided covering composition notebooks would be great. I ended up having to be out of town so I after I prepared everything I had someone else be in charge. She said it was a hit!

Oak really doesn't like when anyone in our family leaves. She is getting much better. But the morning I took this photo she was not happy daddy was leaving for work. So she sat on the front porch and cried watching him leave. 

Just really loved the light coming through the window.

She got ready to go to the park and play. This girl and clothes!

They were both sitting there writing in their little notebooks. These kids draw and write all day long!

We got some bubbles at the dollar store and it was so nice outside we had to put some use to them. 

Hubs came home from the last day of tax season and handed me this. He said one of the other partners handed it to him and told him to tell me to go buy some shoes. Ha ha love it!

Signing rent papers for our new place. 

Loved Mac's towel folding art. 

Oak rarely lets me put knobs in her hair. I love them, so stinking cute!

A few people in the stake have a co-op like preschool thing going on and put on an Easter party. But they invited everyone who wanted to come. Oak loved it!

I know he is only six and it is a really hard concept but this boy can not handle consequences for his choices sometimes. He can throw quite the tantrum when he loses a privilege for a poor choice after being warned more than once. 

She lays like this a lot and I love it. She is watching Frozen here. 

Daddy took Mac bowling and Oak and I stayed home and watched Frozen. We both had to wear capes. 

Mac lost his sixth tooth! It was the second of his upper. And boy is his toothless smile adorable. His posing smile doesn't show his teeth so this was the only smile we could get from him where we could see it. 

We have been teaching Mac to save his money for bigger things. He tends to want to spend any money he gets immediately. So we made him save to $5 so that he could get the cheapest Lego set. We were all pretty proud. His next goal is $10.

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