Thursday, March 29, 2012

Who knew trouble could be so cute...

Oh, she is so beautiful that it makes my heart skip a beat every time I look at her, but...
don't be fooled by her cuteness.

She is trouble in its cutest form!

She is a tornado and can undo what I have just done in mere seconds.
She can and will do something she isn't supposed to and makes sure I know it.
She giggles and runs away when she gets caught.
She will do something she isn't supposed to over and over just to see if I will do something about it.
She has to be supervised at all times while eating otherwise her food will end up thrown all over the table and floor.
She climbs, gets into, steals, scatters, throws more than I thought was possible for a 19 month old.
And she totally understands what she is doing, she is no dummy.
This is a whole new experience in motherhood for me as Mac never did any of those things (he was difficult in other areas).
It makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time and I probably let her get away with way more than I should.
But who wouldn't when you look at her...

She loved the snow and kept on picking it up on our walk.
She really wanted some in her pocket.

Her favorite thing about the snow was eating it.

"Some Mom!"

"A mess!"

"Bear dirty...clean!"

Seriously, could she be any cuter?!


Jill said...

She is super cute & getting so big!!! With a smile like that who could tell her "no." I love how you document all these fun stages with both your kiddos.

Mostly Jessica said...

She sounds just like Lexi is right now at almost 15 months! Little pills! Boys and girls are so different and challenging in their own ways that's for sure.

Jewls said...

That cuteness can be very, very deceiving!... ;)

jessica said...

haha. She sounds like she's a wilberger :)