Friday, March 2, 2012

Adventures in Bread Making ...

(or adventures in trying to eat a more whole/real food diet.)

So my first step in trying to eat healthier was to stop buying cheap, white bread (or any bread for that matter). So to do this I am going to have to start making bread.
I have never made bread from scratch in my life (at least from what I can recall). I also wanted to make a bread that has as few ingredients as possible and I wanted no sugar and wanted to use whole wheat. I chose white whole wheat and got some at the store a couple of weeks ago when this whole new change of diet started brewing in my head.
Next I had no clue where to go so I asked my friends on FB for some help and they totally came through. They gave alot of great recipes, but most of them were not exactly what I was looking for (see requirements above).
I ended up using a recipe that I saw on someones blog that I had "pinned".

And it did not go well...

I can't be totally sure where it went wrong, but it did not rise AT ALL!

Then just in time another friend saw my request on FB and emailed me her recipe that she says they make a couple of times a week. She gave great instructions for me, since I am a beginner.

And it turned out beautiful...

And yummy!!
And I even did it all by hand. As in with my actual hands not the mixer.
I am pretty proud.

When asking about whole wheat bread recipes, alot of people warned me about it being dense if I didn't add any white flour. But I didn't want to do that, I want it made completely out of whole wheat.

I have to say that the denseness does not bother me at all. And to get my sweetness craving answered I have been putting honey on toast and it is so GOOD!
I have to say that we have been completely sugar free for three days and it is feelings so good.
I am really excited about this change and I feel like it will be good for us. 

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