Monday, March 5, 2012

Mac Funnies...

At 6:20am Mommy and Daddy were in bed ASLEEP (as well as Oak) and Mac comes in and says to me (in a not so whispering voice): "Let's go wake up Oak so we can all get up as a family!" I have to say that I was almost tempted with such an adorable request. ♥

My bug obsessed son got in the bath tub and after a minute we spotted a spider in the tub that must have been hiding under a bath toy. As I was trying to scoop it up, Mac says, "Hurry mommy, I like spiders, but not REAL ones!!"

Daddy was snuggling with Mac in bed tonight and Mac says, "Daddy, I love you!...I love you more than Dilly Bars." If you know how much Mac loves Dilly Bars, you would know that is ALOT!! ♥

Mac: Mommy, you know what would be a really good thing?
Mommy: What?
Mac: When I get bigger and grown up I could cut peoples hair like at the barber shop!
Mommy: You want to be a barber?
Mac: No, I want to be a police man!...

Mac: Mom can you please come here.
Mom: I'm coming...
Mac: I don't see your feet moving.

Mommy: I don't think I have enough energy to get Oak ready for bed.
Daddy: You can borrow some of Mac's energy.
Mac: NO! You can't borrow my energy, then I can't be wild!

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