Saturday, March 24, 2012

white spring...

On the second day of Spring in Oregon we woke up to this. It was not at all suspected, we had no clue it was supposed to snow. This picture was taken in the morning and so that is not all the snow we got. I think it ended up being about 8 inches or so.
First off, it was the second day of Spring, the end of March, why on earth is it snowing! Second, the Valley floor of Oregon never gets this much snow even in the winter, ever! I don't remember the last time we have ever gotten this much snow. And third, it was awesome snow. The kind you can make a really good snow ball and an awesome snowman.
The final thing about it snowing is that our power went out about 6:30am and was supposed to be out until the evening of the following day (which was my birthday). We made the best of it and it ended up being a really fun day, although I don't really like snow. And I knew it was going to ruin my birthday plans for the next day.

Hubs stayed home from work and tried to do work from his phone and also had to go sit in the car with it running to charge his phone while he did a phone conference. The kids have seen so little of him they pretty much mauled him the entire day. They wanted NOTHING to do with me at all. Daddy loved it! And I for sure didn't mind it.

We watched a movie we had already downloaded to our iPad (we took the data package off recently so we couldn't get the Internet). Oak laid there for about 2.5 seconds and would not hold still. Then we decided that we would brave the snow although we had no way of warming us up when we came back in. But just as we were about to do that, our neighbor came over and told us that she was going to be making a big batch of homemade chicken noodle soup on her propane stove in her garage. And she asked me to text other in our neighborhood to see if they wanted some. She is the sweetest lady! We just live in an awesome neighborhood, really we do!

Just after I got Oak dressed she fell backwards and couldn't get back up and was giggling so hard. I didn't get many pictures in the snow because it was too hard with how deep the snow was, I had to carry Oak. Then it fell out of my pocket into the snow and i didn't know. Thankfully it was for only like 5 minutes before I realized this.

Oak loved the snow and did not want to go in at all. So as we were trying to get dried off and warm by the propane heater, Hubs sat her in the snow and she sat there for 30 minutes giggling and eating snow the whole time. It was so cute and funny!

You could hear her say "mmmm" after every bite.
Mac loved playing in the snow with his neighborhood buddies. I asked him later if he liked building a snowman and he said that he didn't really help make it because he was too busy throwing snow balls. Funny kid!

Hubs made us homemade hot chocolate on our little camping stove in the garage. It was so yummy! Oak kept on talking about her "chocolate milk".

Mac wanted to eat some snow so I just got him a bowl of snow and a spoon. He was a happy boy!

By about 3:30pm we found out the power wasn't going to be on for at least another 24 hours and we were getting cold. My parents power had finally come back on so we packed up to drive to my parents house and hour and a half away. As soon as we got to there house, I got a text saying that our power had come back on.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Oh, Bren - I loved this. I laughed so hard. The kids are too darn cute! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!!!