Monday, November 22, 2010


Since the time change this adorable red head of mine has been waking up and ready for the day at 5:30 every morning. He has learned that he can actually get out of his big boy bed without someone coming and getting him. So 5:30 every morning we here little foot steps coming into our room, which both, kill me because it is way too early, and melt my heart, because it means I am a mother. He usually says something like, "I had good dreams.", or "I need to go potty", or "I want to eat."
This picture above is a rare thing to happen for my little guy, because he just goes...goes...goes all the time. But he fell asleep on the couch at about 11 this morning while watching cartoons.
He has also been falling asleep during sacrament meeting (which starts at 10am) every Sunday.
And his naps are getting shorter and shorter it seems.
My boy is just growing up way too fast!

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