Thursday, November 4, 2010

To DO list:

I have been feeling very overwhelmed lately with what seems like a million things to worry about and get done. So I am making a list to help relieve some of the stress. These are in no particular order of course.

Write my talk for church - I have an awesome topic and it is something that I am very passionate about but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get started on it.

Write a blog post about adoption - It is National Adoption Month and I really want to talk about a few things that I love about adoption.

Finish editing photos - I have done a few photo shoots recently for some friends and I need to finish their photos. I was having trouble accessing some of them which held me off for a little bit, but I think that is taken care of so I want to get those done.

Finish backing up all of my photos to online storage - I am constantly freaking out that I am going to lose all of my pictures again, so I never erase my SD cards and I just go buy a new one when my others are full. But we finally bought some online storage so that I can make that part of my life worry free.

Make Oak's Sealing announcement - I need to take some pictures of Oak in her pretty white dress and I can hopefully whip something out in Photoshop so that I can get those mailed out to family and friends.

Get our family pictures taken - this includes figuring out what we are going to wear, which I think is stressing me out the most when thinking about this task.

Figure out Christmas presents for our kids - I really hate this part of Christmas, thinking about what to get who. I really need to jump on the bandwagon of doing all of my shopping before Halloween. But my goal is Thanksgiving so I can enjoy December without that stress in my life.

Clean my house - oh my goodness it has been a disaster for a few weeks with a few small clean ups here and there. But I want it to be completely clean now. I have chosen to not make it a priority the past couple of weeks because I have needed to concentrate on Mac's behavior and his potty training. But it really is driving me nuts!

Write Thank You cards - for all the gifts we have gotten for Oak. So many people have been so generous and kind and I seriously have like a hundred that need to be filled out. My lists along with my box of cards have been sitting on my counter and then my piano forever.

Honestly after writing that all down it has made me more stressed because I can see how much I really need to get done. I am going to go hide in my closet now! YIKES!


Kristen Moss said...

this post could have come from my own head... I am with ya when it comes to stressin' out.

Isnt raising a two year old and a new born CRAZY!?!?!

Shauna said...

Have you ever visited the website Sensibly Styled? Last year they had people send in their family photos, so people could get ideas about clothing. It's a great place for ideas. Here is a link:

We did the jewel tones (purple, navy blue, forest green, etc.) for our last family photo, and I really liked how they turned out.

Good luck on the long list, and we can't wait to see your new family pics!

Julee and Matt said...

Guess what? I love you and think you are amazing! Can't wait to see stop the stress and smile that I finally get to see Oaklee! :)