Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things Oak ~ 3 Months

Oh this girl seriously melts our hearts about a million times a day.
She is just the best baby: She is always happy, only cries when she is hungry or tired and even then it is really only a fuss, she wakes up such a happy girl every morning, she loves to be talked to and gets so excited with her whole body.
She sleeps through the night.
She always has her hands in her mouth.
She likes to play on her little floor gym. She will accidentally grab on to the toys and hold on to them for a long time.
She is holding her head up on her tummy pretty good now, although she really doesn't like being on her tummy still.
She talks and coos alot, like she is having a full conversation with you.
She has the best and most beautiful smile.
We have gotten her to laugh/giggle a few times and it is the sweetest sound on this earth.
She has lost most of her hair on the top and back of her head.
Her eyes still look pretty gray to me.
She drools like crazy.
She is just so happy all the time!


Dan and Ang said...


Lanette said...

She is so pretty! What a sweetheart!

dust and kam said...

i can not get enough of her.

Jenni said...

What a cutie/sweetie pie!

FarrEver Family said...

Her eye lashes are so cute in that last one. I can't wait to meet her! She is adorable, and so is possesive McCoy!