Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Although I know there were many people who were excited to wake up to snow this morning. I for one was NOT! We had planned on getting our family pictures taken this afternoon. I don't want them in the snow nor do I want to be freezing while we are getting them taken. So I am trying to reschedule for sometime soon. But I did the good mom thing and planned on taking Mac out to play, then my neighbor called saying they were all going out to play and wanted us to come to. So we got ourselves together and went out in it while Oak sat in her bouncy seat inside watching cartoons. Mac and the other boys weren't that excited about it. They dug through the snow until they could find the dirt to dig in. They did however like the sled, even though there wasn't that much snow to really sled in. He did tell me as we came in that he had fun playing outside. So it was definitely worth it. Then I went and got the blanket that I had going in the dryer and sat Mac on the couch with it and made him some hot chocolate.

1 comment:

The Callahan's said...

we are supposed to have pics done tomorrow also! we have to reschedule cause we dont want to freeze!