Wednesday, November 17, 2010



Mac really loves his baby sister.
Most of the time he doesn't pay much attention to her(although he does more now than ever), but when he does, his interaction with her is all loving.
Lately he has been very proud and protective of her and I can't tell you how happy that makes my heart. When we are in public he will always announce that she is HIS baby sister and that her name is Oak.
He calls her "pretty girl" instead of Oak sometimes, it is so cute.
 And he gets so excited when she smiles at him.
He also gets really excited when she wakes up in the morning or from her naps, he can't wait to see her and talk to her.
If he can't see her at all times, he wants to know where she is.
 When we are in the car and she is crying he will try to calm her down by telling her "It's ok, we are almost there. It's not very far!" And he will tell me to hurry, because Oak is starting to cry.
 He loves to help give her a bath and is really proud of himself when he is being careful and gentle.
The other day when went to a neighbors house to play. When we were leaving and I was putting Mac's shoes on, my neighbor was holding Oak. Mac got really concerned, and kept on telling me that we couldn't leave Oak there. And that we need to take Oak home with us. Then the neighbors little boy who is not even two was playing with Oak's car seat and Mac got really possessive of it and was telling him no that was his sister's and was trying to take it from him.

I love my two babies and I am so glad that they have each other!


Kristen Moss said...

that is so sweet. what a good big boy.

lets hope this attitude keeps up all the way through high school, right!?!

dust and kam said...

That is so cute. I love it. It makes me want a baby sister for Gage. :)

Danielle said...

What a good big brother. He is so sweet. Both of your sweet babes are getting so so big.