Sunday, October 26, 2008

my little man lately...

These are just some pics of Mac lately. Just to warn you all, I was too lazy to edit any of these. So you get them as is!

Just cute...

and cute!

He has recently learned to suck through a straw. And he loves it!

Seriously love this smile, and he is happy to be outside!

Playing with grandma on the deck that my Dad just built at their house.

My new, very expensive baby gate. But hey, it works! And he loves to run along it. And yes his cruising has turned into a run all of a sudden, I am in serious trouble when he learns to actually run.

Climbing up on EVERYTHING!

He is very helpful when it comes to doing the dishes, as you can see! I am letting him get some practice for someday when this will actually be one of his chores.

His new shoes! So cute!

LOVE this smile, makes my day!

My little man, isn't he the cutest!

Hanging out with grandpa and grandma.

Our pumpkins with my little pumpkin!

I looked at my house this day and thought "agh, my house is a mess!" Then I looked at my cute little man and thought I have waited alot of years to have MY baby make a mess in my house. This thought made me smile, so I took a picture!


Marc and Megan said...

Brenley, I love these photos! It's crazy how big McCoy is getting... it seems like only yesterday you were bringing him home. He is just darling!

Emily said...

Cute pictures, I can't believe how he stands up and runs along the furniture! He's growing up so fast. He's such a stylish, cute little boy.

I love your mom's Curves shirt. My mom has tons of those.

Kristin and Seth said...

How Cute!! I loved this post, you are so great at documenting his life. I don't really consider my house a mess when it is scattered with toys and baby stuff. It is great isn't it!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

He is a TOTAL little man! So cute!!! And those shoes are cute, like I told you yesterday! I just love all the pics of him. Man, he's photogenic!!!!

And sorry about yesterday. Cade didnt' fall asleep until around 2 and didnt' wake up until 4:30 so you guys were well into picture shoots by then. Can we do it on a more chill weekend down there sometime? I hope yours turned out great! Can't wait to see them! :)

Amy said...

Brenley, I SO agree with you! The house can wait - Jeremy and McCoy, on the other hand, grow up too quickly as it is!

He truly is SUCH a handsome little guy. There's no better feeling than being a mom (at last) is there?

Julee and Matt said...

Your house isn't even a mess! I can't believe how cute McCoy is...I can't wait to get see him. And, where did you get those shoes? They are so cute!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Totally cute picture, as usual. I love the way you dress McCoy...such little man outfits. :) By the way, your house doesn't look like a mess to me, so don't stress and just enjoy your little guy! The house can wait, right?

Our Pratt Pack said...

He is too cute... I bet your parents are loving having him so close!

~kamie~ said...

He is so big! And I LOVE the photos! And his shoes! So so so cute!

Kim said...

I loved your pictures! Edited or not, they are adorable. And I had to laugh at that last picture. If you think that's a mess you should see my house. I was just looking around thinking my house is hopeless. And you'd think that since I have three kids my house would only be three times messier than yours--but not so. Saying it's 10 times messier would probably be inaccurate, too! Don't let the messes get to you. Just enjoy McCoy! :o)