Thursday, October 2, 2008

just to remember...

*Sorry about the quality, this picture came from my cell phone.
But this is him after he stood up for the first time!

Mac just pulled himself up to standing on the couch for the first time! I am in complete shock at my growing baby!
Also yesterday he started pointing at things and crawling on his hands and knees more. He also is trying really hard to set himself up from a crawl position, not quite there yet, but soon.


Julee and Matt said...

I am so excited for you McCoy...but I need you to slow down the growing a little, just until I can get up to visit you again!

The Kunz Family said...

this is such a fun time in your little ones life...I can't believe how fast he has grown...where has the last 10 months gone??

Sepulveda Family said...

Yay McCoy!! It's exciting for these milestones, but its sad to see them growing so fast! I always wished that they could stay little forever (except for the whole diapering thing!)

Kristin and Seth said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow. I love your list. I have so many of the same things on my list. I didn't know you struggled with migraines, I have been contemplating getting on some medication myself. I am worried, which I don't know why, it will only improve my life. But I hate medicine and having to be dependant on something else. Anyhow your little McCoy is adorable as always!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Way to go McCoy! He'll be on the move before you know it!