Wednesday, October 1, 2008

25 things that Mac loves...

1. to dance (on demand and when he hears music)
2. to shake his head
3. to clap his hands
4. sign "more" (which is clapping his hands)
5. eat bread
6. use mommy as a jungle gym
7. get into everything
8. bananas
9. anything that makes noise
10. to be outside
11. not bend his body when we put him in his car seat
12. spinning wheels
13. kitchen utensils
14. my camera strap
15. baby signing time
16. brushing his teeth (acutally playing with his tooth brush)
17. playing with any body's toes
18. to bite mommy
19. anything he shouldnt have
20. to be really wiggly when we are changing his diaper
21. crawl through or under things
22. to talk in jibberish
23. open and shut doors or anything that comes close
24. when we sing songs to him, especially "Popcorn Popping"
25. his Mommy and Daddy!

We just can't get enough of Mac and all the things that he loves!


kg said...

I love how you love your boy so much, it reminds me of when we had Grant...we seriously understand! So sweet. Loving the coast pictures below!

Amanda said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! It is so nice to meet you! Warner & LeAnn are my aunt and uncle, and I spent what seems almost every year during the summer at the Oregon Coast! I LOVE it there! I haven't read all the way through your blog yet, but you have such a cute family! Congratulations on your adoption!! (Isn't it great?!?!?!) How fun to meet you! If you see the Mitchells, tell them HI! :) Would you mind if I add your link to my blog?

Julee and Matt said...

McCoy is sure loving lots of things and there are lots of people loving him!

Kimi said...

Too cute! You are such a great Mom! Thanks for all the updates on McCoy all the time. I wish I was better at doing that with my kidlets.