Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mac at 10 months...

Well, he is 10 months! I am loving this age! We love seeing HIS personality and see him learn at lightning speed. It is crazy how much he understands and what he can learn and what he is capable of doing on his own. We just love his red hair that is finally covering his bald spot and starting to have a definite part on the right side of his head. His blue eyes are still blue and I love that he has the same colors eyes as his Daddy. Mac looks so much like Hub's side of the family it is crazy. He pulls himself up on everything, he much rather stand than be on the floor. His little body is getting really strong and he is getting braver. We think he should be walking or really close by his birthday. He loves the world around him and is very aware of everything that is with in view or ear shot. He loves to be moving at all times, like dancing or walking along the couch or crawling somewhere. He acts like a boy in every way, my favorite being when he is sitting in the seat of a grocery cart he slouches with one arm over the back of the seat and the other hand in his lap, like he is so macho, too funny! Mac loves to laugh and if he hears anyone laughing he likes to laugh with them, or he will just start laughing out of the blue. He is getting really good at signing and learning new signs. He loves to point to everything and especially when he is talking. He has this cute little whisper jibberish and I love to sit quietly and listen as he is explaining what ever it is in his own language. He doesn't scoot much anymore and is now just as fast on his hands and knees. Mac LOVES music and when you start singing to him or someone is singing he waves his arms like he is directing them, and then starts talking in a singing voice. (His birthfamily is very musical). He has added the signs "milk" and "please". He also waves bye and hi, and sometimes will say "bye". He loves to be outside and sometimes it is the only way to calm him down from a meltdown. He is always clapping his hands when he wants something which is how he signs "more". The other day he looked at me and out of no where starting waving by and signing "more", I guess because he wanted to go "bye-bye", so we went outside for a little while. He loves to look at books and has been able to turn pages of board books for months. He will sit on our lap without moving for sometime a half hour and just look at the pictures and turn the pages (this is the only thing he will sit still for). He loves to drink from a cup and is actually pretty good at drinking the water, except that he hasn't figured out how to lean his head back. He also just recently tried to put his hat on his head himself, which is just too cute. Mac is just so much fun to be around and we are so blessed to be his parents.


Julee and Matt said...

Oh my heck...give him 10 big hugs and kisses from me! He is SO cute and is a combo of Sam and Gavin. :)

Desiree said...

It's neat to see your baby grow and learn, and you're really starting to get into the fun ages! I think it's a blast when they start getting more mobile and their personalities really come out.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

What a great little guy! I loved hear all about him at 10 months. Lots sounds familiar but lots is totally McCoy! So fun to read, thanks for updating us all! :)

kimsueellen said...

That picture is pure and simple divinity. Yummy. Happy 10 months McCoy.