Thursday, October 30, 2008


Mac is a picky eater, to say the least!
He refuses to eat anything other than, TOAST with butter or BANANAS, seriously. He has even started to refuse fruit and veggies puffs, which he used to love. He throws the biggest tantrum if I put anything in front of him other than toast or bananas. Actually he will eat any bread, he loves my banana bread and the other day he ate a whole piece of pumpkin bread and he does like pumpkin pie too. And when I have him try something new and he puts it in his mouth and sticks his tongue out and and gives me a look like he needs saved and to hurry and get it out of his mouth. It is pure drama!
Also, I really want him totally weaned from a bottle by the time he is one, or very close anyway. He refuses to drink milk out of a sippy cup, so I really don't have much hope for that happening. I think I might start giving him milk in a sippy when he wakes up in the night. He might be a little less picky then and will be too tired and hungry to refuse it.
So does anyone have any ideas to get my son to eat other foods?


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Hmm...since my son has gone through super picky stages, i'd just assume McCoy is going through that. Keep offering things to him and don't worry if he doesn't eat, he's not starving. And if he were, he's eat! So he'll eat when he's hungry and he'll eat what he's offered I guess. Or that's at least what we thought with Cade.

Will he eat applesauce? and keep giving him pumpkin and banana bread then cause it has great nutrients in it. Maybe his Ped. has some suggestions?

He still gets up at night for milk? I would wein him of the night feedings all together. Might help his day time eating.

p.s. thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I had a great time sitting with you at conference too, even if we talked more than listened. Oh wait, that's what made it so fun! :)

Sonja said...

Besides just offering a frequent variety of foods and waiting for it to pass...I don't have much advice. I think most kids go through these phases much to our dismay. As for milk and the sippy cup...Ian wouldn't do it either. But, he would drink it from a cup with a straw. I think the Nuby cups are the ones we have with straws...they are short silicone things. Kinda a pain to clean...I recommend using a pipe cleaner if you try them. He's almost 2 and just finally started drinking from sippy cups (though he can also drink from regular cups). And unfortunately, I agree with the above post about trying to wean the night feedings. Milk will fill him up and not make him hungry for real limiting it as much as possible should help. I don't have suggestions for getting rid of those night feedings kids just never had them. Good luck!

Julee and Matt said...

The girls both went through picky stages. Just keep trying to give him different foods, they say it takes 15 time of trying before they decide if they like it or not. Madyson was pretty easy to get off a bottle but Macee won't take anything but for milk. We started giving Madyson milk in a sippy cup at night and it worked great (she still likes to have a drink when she goes to bed). I found the ones from Wal-Mart that are like $1.50 in the big bins out by the kids stuff work the best. They are a lot like the bottle, so it was an easy for her. The other thing is make sure you don't give McCoy too much milk in the day. We had to watch with Madyson because she would drink lots of milk and not want to eat, so we only did milk at nap/bed time and then she was happy to eat when she wanted in the day and Macee is the same way.
Hope it helps...and go with your gut. It will tell you the best thing to do for your son...all these little kids are so different.

Matt and Christy said...

We started weaning Elijah from his before-bed bottle by giving him a bottle of water instead of milk. At first he wouldn't take it, but it began to work over time. When he started using sippies, I would let him take a sippy of water to bed with him. If he woke up in the night, he would take a quick drink and then go back to sleep. As for eating, Elijah has gone through several periods of not wanting to eat- usually when he hit a milestone such as walking. Keep offering him new foods. It will often take several times of offering before he'll surprise you by eating it! We went out and bought some fun kid plates and placemats with colorful pictures. That seemed to help also.