Monday, August 4, 2008

he's a sittin' and other stuff...

Well, last Thursday, Mac all of a sudden decided that it was ok to sit up all by himself. He will sit for more than 5 minutes sometimes, before falling. He has actually become quite good and falling gracefully too.
He is also working on his 6th tooth. And he isn't taken it very well. Since we have moved to Oregon it seems like it is one thing or another with him. Staph infection, antibiotics, 5th tooth, runny nose and cough, throwing up, and now his 6th tooth. Oh and not eating or sleeping very good. It has been a rough month and a half here in Oregon trying to take care of my cranky-not-so-happy baby. He just hasn't been himself and it makes me really sad. I really hope that he is feeling better the day that we have him sealed to us. I am getting a bit worried about that.
We also found out that we will not be able to have him blessed the day after the sealing. Which I am not too happy with, but I am working on getting over it. We want to bless him in Hubs's parents Ward because we don't really have a home Ward. And the Bishop told us that we have to wait for the first Sunday in September, fast Sunday. I guess it is church policy, which we want to follow of course. But our good friends are having their baby blessed that same Sunday in Portland. So now we won't be able to be there for their baby's blessing and they won't be able to be there for Mac's blessing. It is just something else I think I am going to have to get over along with everything else.
Now that Mac is sitting up, I am so enjoying taking pictures of him more. It is a lot easier and I just have a ton I want to share. But that will have to wait.


Michelle said...

Bummer! I can't believe they won't let you bless the baby on not a fast sunday. Our friends are blessing their babies this coming Sunday. I am interested to know if it is really church policy. Hmmmmm....that is sad you guys won't be here and we won't be there! I would wait till October but my family has planned their trip around it. And I know you don't want to wait any longer!!!

Sean and Steph said...


I just LOVE reading your blog and seeing your pictures of your sweet baby boy! Mom loves it too, I can keep her updated on what's going on with you guys :) Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your blog so much, and the happiness that you share with all of us!


Our Pratt Pack said...

I know it's church policy but we've done it other than fast Sunday twice now to accommodate family and traveling. Keep trying!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

I hope he is all better by the time of your sealing. He should be by then, right? Try not to stress! Congrats on mastering the sitting up too! That's a big one. :)

Shauna said...

What a bummer about McCoy's blessing! It sounds like you have had a lot on your plate since moving to Oregon. Do you feel like you are getting settled in yet? Life always seems a lot less stressful for me when I can find things:) I hope McCoy gets feeling better soon. We just found out this weekend that Logan has the chicken pox. Poor guy!:(

Shauna said...

Hey Brenley one more thing...I was thinking about McCoy's blessing some more. You should have your mother-in-law call Jeff's mom. She is the relief society pres. in that ward. I think Jeff's sister is blessing their son this Sunday and it's not a fast Sunday, and I know for a fact that they blessed their daughter in Dec. and it wasn't a fast Sunday. Maybe Debi can help you out. I hope that helps! Good luck!!!

Rolph Family said...

Ok that is not a church policy! We blessed Kambria in sacrament meeting and it was not fast Sunday...and so did another couple just recently. I don't know maybe it is more their ward policy?

Jen said...

Zack was in the ER the night before his blessing. We thought we were going to have to cancel it. We didn't but he SCREAMED the whole time. I didn't even hear what was being said. They laid him down so make sure you sit him up I bet he will be happier! I am excited for your special day!