Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Our Amazing Experience...

Our experience this last weekend welcoming our sweet, beautiful Mac into the world was more amazing then we could have ever imagined it. I am not going to share in great detail our experience because it is too personal and precious to share. It was an amazingly spiritual experience that brings me to tears every time I think about it.

But I will share a few things with you...

"C" and her parents welcomed us with open arms. We sat with them for a few hours before Mac was born. And we loved every second we had with them. Her labor went pretty quickly. And soon after he was born they came and got us from the waiting room. As soon as I got in there the nurse handed him to me, and soon after that Hubs got to give him his first feeding. We then got to go with him to the nursery to get measured and put in the isolete to warm up. Late that evening "C" and I went to the nursery to watch him get his first bath and foot prints. After that we went back to our hotel and tried to sleep. The next morning we went back to the hospital to check on everyone. And then we got to spend more time with "C" and her family. Later that day after he got all of his tests they discharged everyone. We all signed some paperwork so that we were able to take Mac with us. We then said our goodbyes in tears. And we all walked down to our car together. And then we took him back to our hotel, and then drove home the next morning with him.

My love for "C" grew even more after this experience. I can't even begin to tell you the deep love I have for her (and her family). It has taken a couple of days to not break down in tears every time I think about her.


Marc and Megan said...

Thanks for the little glimpse into your incredible experience... it's so tender and powerful. We will continue to pray for "C" and for many blessings to come her way.

Heather said...

What a beautiful experience. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with all of the adoption paperwork and red tape that it is great to read about your wonderful story. Congratulations he is beautiful.

Carlotta said...

My heart is so full for both sides. A blessing indeed. How I wish everyone could experience something as amazing as adoption and the love involved. It is so pure and so filling!What a beautiful journey. He is a beautiful baby. He fits right in. Heavenly Father knows where his children are suppose to be. He will get them in the right home. His WILL will be accomplished. Having the Gospel gives it such a beautiful perspective that we are helping out our brothers and sisters. Congratulations, Mom and Dad!!!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

I can't even imagine how you feel, how full your heart is for "C". Amazing and wonderful! How is she feeling about it all?

The Moon's said...


Kim said...

I am so amazed at the great amount of love that "C" has to be able to give you little McCoy. How courageous she is! What a wonderful example of pure love and charity the gift of a beautiful, precious new baby is... especially in circumstances such as these. Enjoy every moment of this new adventure that you have begun!

RoRo2 said...

I just can't imagine how wonderful and spiritual it all must have been, I know what it is like preparing but since we haven't been placed yet I can only imagine. I am so happy for you guys, the baby is so cute and 'C' is such a wonderful person.

Julee and Matt said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with us. We love you all and are so glad the the prayers were answered in this experience with you, Bryce, "C" and McCoy. We will pray for everyone each day. Love always!

FarrEver Family said...

Love you guys so much! I feel grateful to have been able to see the change in you...the fulfillment as you have finally become what you have waited so long for--to be a mom. Your story has not always been so sweet, and I am glad there is such a beautiful ending!

rose said...

i think i'm going to need some tissues every time i read your blog now. amazing, fabulous, wonderful, and magical. thank you for sharing such a special thing with us. love you spring!