Christmas 2007
This has NOT been “just another year” for us. It has been an amazing year of adventures and blessing beyond what we could have ever dreamed. Wow, where do we start. ..I guess from the beginning would be good!
The very beginning of January we turned in our final paperwork to adopt. We were very excited to get that ball rolling. By the end of February we were officially approved to adopt. Also in February Hubs found out that he had passed his final CPA exam. He was able to pass all four exams the first time. He is now a Board Certified Oregon CPA. In March Hubs started looking for other jobs because he just wasn’t quite satisfied with how things were going working at the CPA firm. He then proceeded to interview back with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. And then was offered a position as a Senior Accountant in Helena, Montana. After a lot of praying we decided that this is where we were supposed to be. It was a huge deal for us to move out of Oregon and away from family. But Mama B was oddly excited and accepted this new adventure. In April we celebrated our 6th wedding Anniversary, we celebrated by flying to Helena to look for places to live (courtesy of Enterprise). The first of May the movers pulled up and loaded our belongings and we were off to Montana. Mama B’s parents caravanned there to help us out with unpacking, and were very helpful. They were able to stay long enough for Mother’s day so that Mama B and her mom could be able to spend that day together. We have really enjoyed our ward and quickly were asked to serve. Mama B was called into the Primary teaching the 5 and 6 year olds, and absolutely loves her kids. Hubs was called to the Elders Quorum Presidency and that was short lived after Hubs taught Sunday School and the Stake presidency happened to be there for Ward Conference. Not long after that he was asked to teach Seminary for the Juniors and was released from his other calling. Teaching seminary was a total shock to Hubs and it took him a few days to accept the idea. We have really enjoyed it here and Helena is such a friendly place. Everyone says HI when you are just walking down the street, we were really taken back by that. It is actually a really cute little town, but there isn’t really a lot to do. In July, Mama B got a job as a Dental Assistant which was a whole new thing for her. They were able to train her on the job and she learned very quickly. On July 24th we were very surprised when we got a call from our Adoption Case Worker with the news that we had been chosen by a birthmother and that she lived only an hour away from us and was due in December. We soon came to realize why we were to move to Montana. The news came just in time to tell Hubs’s parents, who were coming to visit at the end of that week. Hubs’s parents decided to take the three oldest grandkids on a road trip and we were their first stop. We were so excited to have visitors and we had so much fun with them here, and loved getting to see our nieces Hallie and McKenna and nephew Cole. They were especially excited about the news of our upcoming adoption. By September Mama B was getting very homesick and Hubs was more than willing to spend the $400 or so, on a plane ticket to fly home to Oregon to remedy her homesickness. And it worked! She was able to spend 10 days there, getting to take care of Mylisa, visiting as many friends and family as possible and had a baby shower thrown for her by our old Ward in Tigard. November brought us about 4-5 inches of our first snow and freezing temperatures, the week of Thanksgiving. Mama B was dreading this but embraced it and even ventured out in a lot. We spent Thanksgiving at home with a yummy steak dinner. December brought us the best Christmas present ever, the birth and adoption of our beautiful son Mac. He is truly loved by so many, including his amazing birth family. Mama B’s parents were able to come for Christmas and to see little Mac. And we have really enjoyed having them here.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas reflecting on the birth of our Savior and that the coming year brings you many blessings and happy memories!
This has NOT been “just another year” for us. It has been an amazing year of adventures and blessing beyond what we could have ever dreamed. Wow, where do we start. ..I guess from the beginning would be good!
The very beginning of January we turned in our final paperwork to adopt. We were very excited to get that ball rolling. By the end of February we were officially approved to adopt. Also in February Hubs found out that he had passed his final CPA exam. He was able to pass all four exams the first time. He is now a Board Certified Oregon CPA. In March Hubs started looking for other jobs because he just wasn’t quite satisfied with how things were going working at the CPA firm. He then proceeded to interview back with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. And then was offered a position as a Senior Accountant in Helena, Montana. After a lot of praying we decided that this is where we were supposed to be. It was a huge deal for us to move out of Oregon and away from family. But Mama B was oddly excited and accepted this new adventure. In April we celebrated our 6th wedding Anniversary, we celebrated by flying to Helena to look for places to live (courtesy of Enterprise). The first of May the movers pulled up and loaded our belongings and we were off to Montana. Mama B’s parents caravanned there to help us out with unpacking, and were very helpful. They were able to stay long enough for Mother’s day so that Mama B and her mom could be able to spend that day together. We have really enjoyed our ward and quickly were asked to serve. Mama B was called into the Primary teaching the 5 and 6 year olds, and absolutely loves her kids. Hubs was called to the Elders Quorum Presidency and that was short lived after Hubs taught Sunday School and the Stake presidency happened to be there for Ward Conference. Not long after that he was asked to teach Seminary for the Juniors and was released from his other calling. Teaching seminary was a total shock to Hubs and it took him a few days to accept the idea. We have really enjoyed it here and Helena is such a friendly place. Everyone says HI when you are just walking down the street, we were really taken back by that. It is actually a really cute little town, but there isn’t really a lot to do. In July, Mama B got a job as a Dental Assistant which was a whole new thing for her. They were able to train her on the job and she learned very quickly. On July 24th we were very surprised when we got a call from our Adoption Case Worker with the news that we had been chosen by a birthmother and that she lived only an hour away from us and was due in December. We soon came to realize why we were to move to Montana. The news came just in time to tell Hubs’s parents, who were coming to visit at the end of that week. Hubs’s parents decided to take the three oldest grandkids on a road trip and we were their first stop. We were so excited to have visitors and we had so much fun with them here, and loved getting to see our nieces Hallie and McKenna and nephew Cole. They were especially excited about the news of our upcoming adoption. By September Mama B was getting very homesick and Hubs was more than willing to spend the $400 or so, on a plane ticket to fly home to Oregon to remedy her homesickness. And it worked! She was able to spend 10 days there, getting to take care of Mylisa, visiting as many friends and family as possible and had a baby shower thrown for her by our old Ward in Tigard. November brought us about 4-5 inches of our first snow and freezing temperatures, the week of Thanksgiving. Mama B was dreading this but embraced it and even ventured out in a lot. We spent Thanksgiving at home with a yummy steak dinner. December brought us the best Christmas present ever, the birth and adoption of our beautiful son Mac. He is truly loved by so many, including his amazing birth family. Mama B’s parents were able to come for Christmas and to see little Mac. And we have really enjoyed having them here.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas reflecting on the birth of our Savior and that the coming year brings you many blessings and happy memories!
Hubs, Mama B & Mac
Cole, McKenna, Maia and Gavin say "MERRY CHRISTMAS, McCoy!"
You guys have had such a year to remember... Here's to many more!
Love, Steph
P.S. we totally missed you guys last night!!!!
Merry Christmas! You guys have had an amazing year and I don't know two better people for this to happen to. Love ya!
Merry Christmas! Wasn't Christmas amazing this year with McCoy home?!? We are so happy for you guys!
Merry Christmas! you guys have had a busy year! Good
That was a complete treat to read. Merry Christmas to you all! I love the picture too. You are a beautiful family!
Hi this is Amy Winegardner, (Arnold) I just wanted to say that my nosey self has been reading your blog, and I just read all the blogs from the night before McCoy's birth to today, and I'm speechless. I'm very happy for you, and the spirit just pours out of your blog. I'm so happy for you.
bryce and brenley congratulations on your wonderful little stocking stuffer!!! he's addorable! thanks for the picture! McCoy...you have two wonderful parents that i know love you very very much. you will always grow closer as time goes by and you will cherish eachother all of your days. merry christmas and happy new year to you all! lacee faust
Congratulations! I missed your Christmas card this year because they are the best but I see you had more important things to do! We are all so happy and excited for you. We love you and you are going to be the greatest parents. McCoy is a lucky boy.
I hope 2008 is as good to you.
Bruce and Carol and family
I was so excited the other day when Jenni gave me your blog address and I was able to get updated about McCoy's arrival, CONGRATS!!!! He sure is a cutie!! I look forward to checking back for more updates. Jill Pierce
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