I am excited for 2008!
I know that this next year is going to be full of many happy, fun and emotional memories for us, and I can't wait!!!
I am excited...
To watch our beautiful, sweet MAC learn and grow and to see what his personality will be like. I am excited to laugh with him, teach him sign language, and see him do all the many FIRSTS that he will experience! I am excited to spend the year as his Mommy!!!
To finalize Mac's adoption! And be able to take him to the Temple to be sealed to us and be able to see Hubs give our son a Name and a Blessing. And to have all of our family, friends and Mac's birthfamily there to share it all with us!
For the possibility to be moving somewhere. Hubs's job will be taking us somewhere and who knows where that will be, but I think it will be a fun adventure! Also hopefully it will be somewhere bigger than Helena, and maybe have a little bit warmer winter.
To work on my photography. Now that I have a beautiful subject, maybe I can work on taking better pictures, and learn my camera a little bit better and figure out how to use Photoshop CS2.
To spend another year with my amazing husband. To find a million more ways to show him how much I love him. To celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary! To watch him be a Daddy to Mac!
To spend my last year in my 20s with all these many blessings!
What a wonderful 2008 list. We are very happy for you guys, and we love seeing new pictures of McCoy. He keeps getting cuter and cuter, if that's possible. Congratulations, and Happy New Year.
2008 will be the such a fun year for you guys, filled with many new adventures. I can't wait to hear about all of them and see little McCoy grow up. Lots of love!
I love that baby McCoy. He is so cute. I wanna hug and kiss him. Love you!
You seem so happy. I love the pictures and to read how excited you are to be a Mommy. What a lucky little boy to be in a home filled with so much love.
Maybe Denver will be in your future move!!! I know that it isn't much warmer than Helena, but at least you have family here and some friends. I love all the pictures!!!!
I hope you have a great year! What a lot of fun things to look forward to!
This is Janelle Blake (Sondrup) I was talking to Cammy when we were in Oregon for Christmas and she was telling me all about your new little boy. I just wanted to let you know how happy and excited I am for you! Congrats! I'm sure you will both be awesome parents!
Great list! I can tell you are so excited for the coming year! I'm so glad for you!! :)
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