We finally have our first snow in Helena. We had begun to think that maybe they were all fibbing about the snow here. The weather reports every week for the last two months has showed snow but it never even rained. So this weekend it was actually raining and we figured it was bound to finally happen. The temps are not going to get any higher than 34 this week and we will get lows in the teens everyday.
Wow, I hope I can be a big girl about this.
Hey, I was just driving through Helena a few weeks ago on my way back from Canada! It is soooo beautiful there! Anyway, I just wanted to thank you so much for your SWEET comment on our site! I so appreciate it! And honestly, I could not be happier for you guys and the exciting bundle that is coming your way VERY soon! I feel such an automatic connection with people who love adoption as much as we do! I can't wait to follow your story over the next few weeks! Congrats! And thanks again!
Wow! That is beautiful. You have to love a Winter Wonder Land...at least the pictures of it. Be brave, as you are, and you'll make it through. And, just think of the warmth that little boy is going to bring!
Wow! Lucky you guys! I wish it would snow in southern California...hmmm...not very likely. Even though the temps are REALLY cold where you are enjoy the snow! :o)
I am SOOOOO jealous!! I would love to have that snow at my house. Hopefully we will have it soon.
Kya will be so jealous... they said it was supposed to snow since last Thursday and nothing yet, she's about at the end of her rope!
I can totally understand what you are talking about, but we have had snow twice on the ground and it's coming our way this week.
Wow - how beautiful! You will make it through, don't worry!
You are finally paying me back. Seeing the pictures of the snow really make me miss it. That was one of my hesitations to moving to Oregon. I absolutely love snow! Good thing it is not too far away though.
How Beautiful!
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