Friday, November 23, 2007


I talked to "C" tonight and she had alot of good news for us. She went to the doctor this week and she is dialated to 2.5 and effaced 50%. I am thinking that that means it could be anytime. I am hoping for this week. She also gave us some good new in regards to the father and that we shouldnt have any problems with him and the adoption finalization. She is also going to come and see us on Sunday, I am really excited about that. She sounded so good and happy on the phone, it made me feel really good.

Please continue to pray that she may feel comfort and peace in her decision. And that this sweet little baby boy may come soon and safe!!


Marc and Megan said...

OH, SO EXCITING! :) Can't wait to get the final news!! She will be in our prayers... as well as you and Bryce!

Laura & Geb said...

Great News! You are all in my prayers!

Carlotta said...

WOW!!!! I think I felt every emotion possible as I read that. I would say Tuesday at the latest. I can't wait to read your journey.How exciting to see "C" on Sunday. I think open adoption is so wonderful. I am amazed at those before us that were completely closed and how they did it. I am in awe by them. I know it is hard to say this and also to do it but feel all that you can. Let angels surround and carry the three of you at this time.

Kim said...

Brenley, How exciting! 2.5 cm and 50% effaced is great! That baby is getting closer and closer to being in your arms! I'm so glad that everything seems to be working out perfectly with the adoption, too. That's so wonderful!!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Whoa BABY! He's coming! That is such wonderful, exciting news and I can't wait for more updates. Although now I'm a little bummed that I'm not going to win the baby stats game.....darn! Haha, just kidding of course! I'm so excited for you guys!! :)

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Oh that is such great news! Nothing better than hearing a happy mother still ok with her decision and looking forward to giving you a priceless gift, and maybe sooner than later! Wonderful! I can't wait to hear that he's finally arrived!

The Kunz Family said...

So exciting!! Our birthmom was 2.5 cm dialated and 50% effaced about three weeks before our daughter was born too. She came a week early! We will keep you and "C" in our prayers.

Emily said...

That is such great news! How nice that she is feeling so well towards the end...that is such a great blessing. We'll keep you all in our prayers; we're so happy for you guys!

Julee and Matt said...

How exciting! I can't wait to hear the progress.

Carol and Bruce said...

Brenley, so happy to hear from you and so happy for you guys. You will be in our prayers that all goes well. You are going to be such wonderful parents.